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Material from Venturus Bootcamp training in 2019

Web automation testing with Ruby, Cucumber, Capybara, RSpec, and Selenium WebDriver

  • Just porting from previous internal git, no updates since 2019, except for mass change of unecessary IPs and access info.
  • Most of it is in ptBR
  • To be revisited sometime in the near future.

Run: $ bundle init

Edit your newly created Gemfile file with your requirements (delete anything else):

# frozen_string_literal: true

source ""

gem "capybara"
gem "cucumber"
gem "rspec"
gem "selenium-webdriver"

Save and run: $ bundle install

Edit your newly created env.rb with:

require "capybara/cucumber"
require "selenium-webdriver"

Capybara.configure do |config|
    config.default_driver = :selenium_chrome_headless
    config.app_host = "http://localhost:30100/" # add here proper IP

use your own host link, if available.

Then, save and run: $ cucumber --init

Create a new folder named specs inside features. Create a new file, with a name like Cadastro de usuário.feature

To change supported Gherkin languages, start the file with #language:pt where pt is the lang code. The basic format is:

Feature:<Feature name>
    <feature description>

    Context:<Context name> # recurrent action or pre-requisite (Given)
        Given <given expected origin description>
    Scenario:<scenario name>
    When <when condition description>
    Then <then expected result>

    Scenario outline: <outline name> # to execute series of similar actions
    When <when condition description with blank spot >
    Then <then expected result>

    Exemplos: # each missing or wrong at some point
    |||123456|Nome é obrigatório.|
    |Maria||123456|Email é obrigatório.|
    |Maria|||Informar uma senha.|
    |Maria||123456|Informe um email váido.|
    |Maria||12345|Sua senha deve ter pelo menos 6 caracteres|

Run $ cucumber and copy the steps output to a new file, cadastro_de_usuario_steps.rb under step_definitions

Create a folder named pages under support. Then create a file cadastro_de_usuarios_page.rb inside this new folder.

Since we are using capybara, start the file with:

class CadastroUsuarioPage

    include Capybara::DSL
    def cadastro_de_usuario(nome, email, senha) # this is a new method
    find("#register_name").set nome
    find("#register_email").set email
    find("#register_password").set senha
    click_button "Cadastrar"

Find in the Chrome console if the id is visible: $("#register_name");

add gem "faker" to the Gemfile and run bundle install again

Create a file hooks.rb under support. add the following lines to it:

Before do
    @cadastro_de_usuario_page =

This initializes an object pointing to cadastro_de_usuarios_page.rb file

Refactor the cadastro_de_usuarios_steps.rb with:

require "faker"

Dado("que eu acesso a página de cadastro do usuário") do
  click_link "Clique aqui"

Quando("faço meu cadastro com meu nome, email e senha") do
  @nome =
  @cadastro_de_usuario_page.cadastro_de_usuario(@nome,"#{Faker::Lorem.characters(number: 8)}", "123456")

Então("meu perfil é cadastrado com sucesso") do
  expect(find("#task-board")).to have_content "Olá, #{@nome}"

Great!! This is our first test running.

You can watch it run if you erase the _headless from this line config.default_driver = :selenium_chrome in the env.rb file.

The test is using Faker to generate name and strings. When you call for @nome, it calls for the object we defined in the hooks.rb. Using #{Faker::Lorem.characters(number: 8)} we concatenate the Faker generated string to

To set a default timeout to Capybara, add to the env.rb:

Capybara.default_max_wait_time = 5

Append to cadastro_de_usuario_page.rb:

    def mensagem_alerta

Make sure any strings used in the Cadastro de usuario.feature are correct for the expected results.

Now replace the last lines the cadastro_de_usuario_steps.rb:

Quando("faço meu cadastro com meu {string}, {string} e {string}") do |nome, email, senha|
  @cadastro_de_usuario_page.cadastro_de_usuario(nome, email, senha)

Então("devo ver a seguinte {string}") do |msgalerta|
  expect(@cadastro_de_usuario_page.mensagem_alerta).to have_content msgalerta


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