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A Magento 2 module built as an exercise for the "Magento 2 Coding Kickstart" course by Mark Shust


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Repository files navigation M2 Coding Kickstart Blog

A Magento 2 module built as an exercise for the Magento 2 Coding Kickstart course and Transform Magento 2 Admin Grids & Forms course by Mark Shust.

The associated module with plugins for this module is the https://github. com/denal05/MacademyM2CodingKickstartBlogExtra

The original source code for the modules of the above courses can be found at the following links:'s "M2 Coding Kickstart" Course Curriculum:


Welcome! Prerequisites, focus & outcome

Application & Environment Setup

Directory structure of a Magento project
All about Magento application modes
Enabling developer mode for Magento development
Set up Composer auth credentials for the Magento Marketplace
Install & deploy Magento sample data
About the Magento config, environment & version control
Set up additional Magento development tools


Enabling & disabling cache types in Magento
Cleaning & flushing Magento caches
Enable automatic Magento cache clearing for development

Module Basics

Magento local module directory naming conventions
Magento third-party module directory naming conventions
Magento module registration file
Magento module definition file
Enable a Magento module
Exercise: Create your own custom Magento module
Exercise: Install a third-party Magento module
Create a composer.json file for your module


Built-in Magento routers
The anatomy of a Magento URL
Define a new custom route in Magento
Create a controller action in Magento
Exercise: Create a controller action for the blog post detail view
Reserved keywords in Magento controller actions

Dependency Injection

Dependency injection & Magento’s Object Manager
Why the new keyword can’t be used to create objects in Magento
Create a new object in Magento using Object Manager
Create an object with dependency injection using a singleton
About generated code in Magento
How Magento maps interface implementations with XML

Interfaces & Factories

What are service contracts?
Create an object with dependency injection using an interface
Create an object with dependency injection using a factory
Exercise: Create a page response for the blog post list view
Redirect a Magento controller action with a factory
Forward a Magento controller action with a factory


Magento page layouts & containers
Magento core layouts & blocks
Custom Magento layout handles
Create a custom layout XML file
Create a new template file in Magento
Display a Magento template in a block
Challenge: Create a template & render it in a block with layout XML
Review: Create a template & render it in a block with layout XML
Change the page layout of a Magento view
Locate block templates in Magento
Locate block nodes in Magento layout XML files
Exercise: Locate a template & related block node in layout XML
Move Magento blocks on a page
Remove or control the display of a Magento block
Override & translate Magento template text with i18n
Override an existing Magento block template
Render & wrap Magento children blocks with containers
Exercise: Magento module cleanup
Update templates with placeholder data

Database Models

About Magento’s declarative schema
Create a new database table
Automatically remove database properties on updates
Magento Model vs ResourceModel vs Collection
Create a model
Create a resource model
Create a collection

Repositories & Data Interfaces

What is a service contract?
Create a data transfer object (DTO) interface
Update a model to implement a DTO interface
Define a model preference for a DTO interface
Create a repository interface
Create a repository

Saving & Querying Data

Load data with a resource model
Save data with a resource model
Delete data with a resource model
Write a setup patch data script
Save data using a repository
Execute setup patch data scripts
Exercise: Write another setup data patch script
Create a ViewModel
Pass data to a template using a ViewModel
Exercise: Create a new function within a ViewModel
Load data using a collection
Load data using a repository
Escape template data to prevent XSS security vulnerabilities
Expose a REST API endpoint using a repository

Design Patterns

Create and dispatch an event
Listen to an event with an observer
What is a plugin or interceptor?
Use a before plugin to modify function parameters
Use an after plugin to modify the result of a function
Use an around plugin to silence a function
Override a class using a preference


Downloadable archive of the FAQ module
Course feedback & certificate for the M2 Coding Kickstart course's "Transform Magento 2 Admin Grids & Forms" Course Curriculum:

Admin Grids

Overview & expectations of the FAQ module
Prep environment for admin grid development
Create the module & define dependencies
Create admin user resource permissions
Create admin menu items
Create an admin route
Create an admin controller
Set an admin page menu & title
Create a model, resource model & collection
Create a new database table with columns
Populate a database table with data
Create a virtual class for the grid collection
Create the simplest admin grid
Exercise: Add additional columns to an admin grid
Implement an alternate component for an admin grid column
Create an admin grid actions column
Exercise: Transform the admin actions column into a dropdown
Create an admin edit controller action
Create an admin delete controller action
Exercise: Add confirmation dialog to an admin grid delete action
Make an entire admin grid row into a clickable action
Add paging, column toggles & stickiness to the admin grid
Add bookmarks to the admin grid & diagnose caching issues
Exercise: Sort an admin grid by a column value
Add filters to an admin grid
Set default filters on an admin grid
Add a fulltext search box to an admin grid
Add a primary action button to an admin grid
Create an admin controller for adding new records
Set up the UI for admin grid inline editing
Create an admin grid inline edit controller action
Set up the UI for an admin grid mass action delete
Handle an admin grid mass action delete submission

Admin Forms

Create a UI Component DataProvider class in PHP
Render the admin form UI Component with page layout XML
Create the structure of an admin form UI Component
UI Component templates & definitions
Define the UI Component namespace & data scope with settings
Define a UI Component Data Provider using dataSource
Define the data source as a dependency to the UI Component
Render a fieldset and text form inputs
Create & render select dropdown form fields
Create a save button for an admin form UI Component
Create an admin form save action with pseudo code
Implement the admin form save action logic
Create a back button to cancel an admin form submission
Creating admin form validation rules


Downloadable archive of the FAQ module
Course feedback & certificate for the Admin Grids & Forms course

To Do

  1. // TODO: Utilize the admin > Stores > Config > Denal05 > " M2 Coding Kickstart Blog" menu to enable/disable the frontend and admin functionality of the module.


A Magento 2 module built as an exercise for the "Magento 2 Coding Kickstart" course by Mark Shust







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