PHP Server Application for managing your home networks HDHomeRun DVR(s) from SiliconDust
Release binaries are here
This project is a spin off of the contributions made to the QNAP installer package for Silicondust DVR located at dvr_install These contributions were from both demonrik and avandeputte
After a few additions to the UI for that project we concluded that we were starting to exceed the initial goal of creating a UI to manage the installed record engine. Thus we decided to reduce the QNAP install package UI down to those features required for management of the local Record Engine and create this project to allow us to innovate on more fatures as a stand alone web server application.
Most of the features for interaction are documented by Silicondust at their documention's repo wiki Others have been gleaned from looking at the Kodi plugin, and also some helpful tips from others on the Silicondust forum. Documentation is still in flux, and the DVR record engine has yet to see a full release. Thus features are subject to change.