The initial release of the Spanish Resource Grammar updated to use Freeling 4.0.
Major changes:
- Freeling 3.0 tags in iflr.tdl were updated to Freeling 4.0 tags
- Token-mapping feature geometry was added (tmt.tdl, tmr/, and some new lexical rule types in letypes.tdl to ensure copying the TRAITS feature in types previousy inheriting from basic- types).
- A script util/populate_tokens.py added to utils. The script takes a directory as input and updates [incr tsdb()] profiles stored in that directory such that each item in each test suite gets the field i-tokens populated with YY formatted Freeling output.
This grammar version has been tested on the MRS test suite and on a small portion of the TIBIDABO treebank, specifically the one-word sentences. This updated grammar will at least sometimes behave differently compared to the old grammar which used Freeling 3.0. At the moment, the grammar yeilds gold parses for some but not all items in the treebanks. As the updates and re-treebanking progresses, we will release new versions.