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an LKB patch from John Carrol to make generic lexical entries work.
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olzama committed Dec 18, 2023
1 parent e69104b commit bc676d1
Showing 1 changed file with 285 additions and 49 deletions.
334 changes: 285 additions & 49 deletions lkb/patches.lsp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,52 +1,288 @@
;;; patches.lsp file to make YY input mode work properly with generic lexical entries
;;; Only use with LKB-FOS version of 20-Jun-2023

(in-package :tsdb)

(defun yy-read-input (string &key (format :string) (sort :id))
;; (id, start, end, [link,] path+, form [surface], ipos, lrule+ [,{pos prob}+])
(let* ((i 0)
(length (length string))
(whitespace '(#\space #\tab #\newline)))
(labels ((skip (characters)
while (member (schar string i) characters :test #'char=)
do (incf i)))
(skip-to (character)
with escape = nil with quote = nil
while (< i length)
when (and (char= (schar string i) #\") (not escape))
do (setf quote (not quote))
else when (and (char= (schar string i) #\\) (not escape))
do (setf escape t)
else when (and (char= (schar string i) character)
(not quote))
return i
else do (setf escape nil)
do (incf i)))
(seek-character (character)
(when (< i length)
(skip whitespace)
(char= (schar string i) character)))
(read-character (character)
(when (seek-character character)
(incf i)))
(read-integer ()
(when (< i length)
(multiple-value-bind (int rest)
(parse-integer string :start i :junk-allowed t)
(when int
(setf i rest)
(read-characterization ()
(when (seek-character #\<)
(let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable))
from to)
(set-syntax-from-char #\: #\" *readtable*)
(set-syntax-from-char #\, #\" *readtable*)
(set-syntax-from-char #\> #\" *readtable*)
(read-character #\<)
(setf from (read-integer))
(when (numberp from)
(read-character #\:)
(setf to (read-integer))
(read-character #\>)
(read-character #\,)
(and (numberp to) (values from to))))))
(read-string ()
(seek-character #\")
(when (< i length)
(let* ((r1 (search "\" " string :start2 (1+ i)))
(r2 (search "\", " string :start2 (1+ i)))
(rest (or (and (and r1 r2) (min r1 r2)) r1 r2)))
(when rest
(cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all ; fix up extra escaping of double quote
'(:sequence #\\ #\")
(subseq string (1+ i) rest)
(setf i (1+ rest)))))))
(read-number ()
(skip whitespace)
(when (< i length)
(let ((rest (loop for n from i
while (< i length)
unless (or (digit-char-p (schar string n))
(member (schar string n) '(#\. #\-)))
return n)))
(when rest
(read-from-string string nil nil :start i :end rest)
(setf i rest))))))
(read-token ()
(progn ; JAC 19-Jun-2023: was ignore-errors
(let (id start end from to form surface inflection tags)
(when (read-character #\()
(setf id (read-integer))
(read-character #\,)
(setf start (read-integer))
(read-character #\,)
(setf end (read-integer))
(read-character #\,)
(multiple-value-setq (from to) (read-characterization))
;; skip over the path(s) this token is a member of; we are
;; assuming everything is connected with everything.
(skip-to #\,) (read-character #\,)
(setf form (read-string))
(when (seek-character #\") (setf surface (read-string)))
(read-character #\,)
;; skip over the inflection position (ipos) field
(skip-to #\,) (read-character #\,)
;; inflection is a list of elements (was originally a singleton)
(setf inflection (list (read-string)))
(if (seek-character #\")
(setf inflection (append inflection (list (read-string))))
;; PoS and probability field; missing probs default to 0.0
(when (seek-character #\,)
(read-character #\,)
(setf tags
while (and (< i length) (not (seek-character #\))))
nconc (list (read-string) (or (read-number) 0.0)))))
(skip-to #\))
(when (read-character #\))
(pairlis '(:id :start :end :from :to
:form :surface :inflection :tags)
(list id start end from to
form surface inflection tags))))))))
(let ((tokens (loop for token = (read-token) while token collect token)))
(setf tokens
(case sort
(sort tokens #'< :key #'(lambda (token) (get-field :id token))))
#'(lambda (token1 token2)
(let ((start1 (get-field :start token1))
(end1 (get-field :end token1))
(start2 (get-field :start token2))
(end2 (get-field :end token2)))
(when (and (numberp start1) (numberp end1)
(numberp start2) (numberp end2))
(or (< start1 start2)
(and (= start1 start2) (< end1 end2))
(and (= start1 start2) (= end1 end2)
(string< (get-field :form token1)
(get-field :form token2)))))))))))
(case format
with result =
(make-array length
:element-type 'character :adjustable nil :fill-pointer 0)
with positions = nil
with ntokens = 0
for token in tokens
for start = (get-field :start token)
for word = (get-field :form token)
unless (member start positions :test #'=)
(push start positions)
(unless (zerop ntokens) (vector-push #\space result))
(loop for c across word do (vector-push c result))
(incf ntokens)
finally (return (unless (equal result "") result)))))))))

(in-package :lkb)

(defun sppp-serialize-tokens (tokens)
(setf %tokens tokens)
(let* ((n (loop
for token in tokens
maximize (rest (assoc :to token))))
(map (make-array (+ n 1))))
for i from 0 to n
do (setf (aref map i) (cons nil nil)))
for token in tokens
for from = (rest (assoc :from token))
for to = (rest (assoc :to token))
(defmacro token-edge-partial-tree (e) ; *** repurpose unused maf-id field
`(token-edge-maf-id ,e))

(defun yy-setup-morphs (tokens)
;; each token is e.g.
;; ((:TAGS "vmm03p0" 0.0 "+pp3cn00" 1.0) (:INFLECTION "vmm03p0" "+pp3cn00")
;; (:SURFACE . "imagínense") (:FORM . "imaginar") (:TO . 10) (:FROM . 0)
;; (:END . 1) (:START . 0) (:ID . 1))
for token in tokens
for surface = (rest (assoc :surface token))
for start = (or (rest (assoc :start token)) -1)
for end = (or (rest (assoc :end token)) -1)
for from = (or (rest (assoc :from token)) -1)
for to = (or (rest (assoc :to token)) -1)
for stem = (string-upcase (rest (assoc :form token)))
for rule = (rest (assoc :inflection token))
for partial-tree
= (loop for r in (if (consp rule) rule (list rule)) ; was originally a singleton
collect (list (intern (string-upcase r) :lkb) surface))
for edge
= (add-token-edge surface (string-upcase surface) start end from to)
(when *token-type*
;; although we don't allow token mapping rules to be applied to YY format
;; input, we do support activation of generic lexical entries via token FS
(create-token-edge-dag edge (rest (assoc :id token)) (rest (assoc :tags token)))
;; make partial-tree info available when adding generic lexical entry edges
(setf (token-edge-partial-tree edge) partial-tree))
stem partial-tree
start end (string-upcase surface) surface from to
(token-edge-leaves edge) edge)))

(defun add-token-edge (base-word word from to cfrom cto)
;; e.g. (add-token-edge "The" "THE" 0 1 nil nil)
(when (> to *tchart-max*)
(setf *tchart-max* to))
(let (; (existing-edges (aref *tchart* to 0)) ; JAC 29-Nov-2023 - see below
(edge (make-token-edge :id (next-edge)
:string base-word
:word word
:leaves (list base-word)
:from from
:to to
:cfrom cfrom
:cto cto)))
(unless nil ; JAC 29-Nov-2023 - removed sloppy (token-edge-match edge existing-edges)
(push edge (aref *tchart* to 0))
(push edge (aref *tchart* from 1))

(defun add-generic-lexical-entries (tedge)
(let* ((word (token-edge-word tedge))
(string (token-edge-string tedge))
(from (token-edge-from tedge))
(to (token-edge-to tedge))
(cfrom (token-edge-cfrom tedge))
(cto (token-edge-cto tedge))
(pt (token-edge-partial-tree tedge)) ; only applicable for YY mode
(let ((*lexicon* 'identity)) (get-morph-analyses word)))
(glex (lex "gle")))
;; Most grammars that perform token mapping also define a generic lexical entry file.
;; Therefore check that the file has been loaded correctly (i.e. as a _sub-lexicon_)
;; since this is easy to get wrong. The grammarian should supply an empty file if
;; there really are no generic lexical entries.
(unless glex
(error "Could not find sub-lexicon \"gle\" when looking for generic lexical entries"))
(loop for gid in (collect-psort-ids glex)
for entry = (get-lex-entry-from-id gid)
(setf (first (aref map from)) t)
(setf (rest (aref map to)) t))
with last = 0 with endp = t
for i from 0 to n
when (first (aref map i)) do
(unless endp (incf last))
(setf (first (aref map i)) last)
(setf endp nil)
when (rest (aref map i)) do
(unless (eql (first (aref map i)) last) (incf last))
(setf (rest (aref map i)) last)
(setf endp t))
for token in tokens
for from = (rest (assoc :from token))
for to = (rest (assoc :to token))
for start = (first (aref map from))
for end = (rest (aref map to))
do (nconc token (pairlis '(:start :end) (list start end))))

;;; the LOGON tree has a few defaults set differently from the plain DELPH-IN
;;; versions of the LKB, [incr tsdb()], et al. adjust values as needed for use
;;; with the SRG. (17-sep-07; oe)
(setf lkb::*tree-discriminants-mode* :classic)
(setf tsdb::*process-raw-print-trace-p* t))

;; related to freeling-yy interface
(defun token-edge-match (edge existing-edges) nil)
(loop for (stem . partial-tree) in stem-and-pt-list
(let ((*lexical-entries-used* nil))
(add-stem-edge stem string
from to cfrom cto
(if pt (append partial-tree pt) partial-tree)
entry (list tedge)))))))

(defun add-stem-edge (edge-stem edge-string
from to cfrom cto partial-tree entry dtrs)
#+:arboretum (declare (special *mal-active-p*))
(let ((expanded-entry (get-expanded-lex-entry entry)))
(when (and expanded-entry
(or *mal-active-p*
(not (mal-lex-entry-p expanded-entry))))
(let* ((fs
(copy-lex-fs-as-needed (lex-entry-full-fs entry)))
((edge-dag (car dtrs))
(unify-in-tokens-list fs (mapcar #'edge-dag dtrs)))
(set-characterization-tdfs fs cfrom cto))
(t fs))))
(when new-fs
(make-edge :id (next-edge)
:category (indef-type-of-tdfs new-fs)
:rule edge-stem
:dag new-fs
:dag-restricted (restrict-fs (tdfs-indef new-fs))
:leaves (list edge-string)
:lex-ids (list (lex-entry-id entry))
:from from :to to
:tchildren dtrs
:partial-tree partial-tree
:string edge-string
:cfrom cfrom :cto cto)))
(when *cm-debug*
(format t
"~&Adding edge ~D for lexical entry ~(~A~) `~A'~@[ requiring ~{~(~A~)~^, ~}~]~%"
(edge-id new-edge) (lex-entry-id entry) edge-string
partial-tree #+nil (mapcar #'car partial-tree)))
(push new-edge (aref *chart* from to))))))))

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