Ansible Role to Install and Configure Logstash
Java should be present on the nodes machines in order to run Logstash. This role does not install Java.
On Debian OS family, python-pycurl and python-apt are required to deal with apt Ansible modules. The role already take care of these dependencies.
- hosts: LogstashNodes
- role: dekhtyarev.logstash-role
logstash_defaults: |
LS_OPTS="-r --config.reload.interval 2"
logstash_patterns: |
logstash_inputs: |
syslog { host => "{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"
port => "514"
type => "syslog_input"
syslog { host => "{{ ansible_lo.ipv4.address }}"
port => "515"
type => "syslog_input_local"
grok { patterns_dir => [ "./patterns" ]
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_FOO:[@metadata][timestamp]} %{GREEDYDATA:message}" }
logstash_filters: |
geoip { source => "ip_address"
multiline { pattern => "^No lfn2pfn"
what => "previous"
logstash_outputs: |
file { path => "/var/log/logstash/output.log"
# Increase Java performace
logstash_java_opts: ""
# Custom vars for backward compatibility
- {
version: ["5.0"],
apt_repo: "deb stable main",
repo_key: "",
new_way_configure: "True",
home_dir: "/usr/share/logstash",
plugin_bin: "logstash-plugin",
config_validate_params: "--path.settings {{ logstash_settings }} -tf %s"
- {
version: ["1.5", "2.0", "2.1", "2.2", "2.3", "2.4"],
apt_repo: "deb{{ logstash_version }}/debian stable main",
repo_key: "",
new_way_configure: "False",
home_dir: "/opt/logstash",
plugin_bin: "plugin",
config_validate_params: "-tf %s"
# Default vars, if we set the wrong version logstash.
logstash_apt_repo: "deb stable main"
logstash_repo_key: ""
logstash_new_way_configure: "False"
logstash_home: "/opt/logstash"
logstash_plugin_bin: "plugin"
logstash_config_validate_params: "-tf %s"
Available Logstash versions: 1.5, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 5.0
The default is Logstash 2.4.
If the wrong version Logstash will be set - an incorrect repository for Logstash will be added, and the installation will not work.
Because in Logstash 5.0 have been major changes in paths, repositories and other things, we had to introduce the variable logstash_custom_vars, which contains specific variables for each version Logstash. This allows us to maintain backward compatibility in the role and easily be updated to version 5.0 (see the current builds status).
Testing of this role is through Travis CI.
Testing Environment:
- Ubuntu 12.04
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Versions Logstash: "1.5", "2.0", "2.1", "2.2", "2.3", "2.4", "5.0"
Test Steps:
- Installation Logstash
- Run deploy again
- Upgrading to the next version Logstash
GNU General Public License Version 2
Valentino Gagliardi - [email protected] Evgeny Dekhtyarev - [email protected]