- Business Rules!
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.
gem 'business_rules', github: "deevis/business_rules", branch: "master"
bundle install
rake rules_engine:install:migrations
RULES_DISABLED=true rake db:migrate
rails server
require 'rules/engine'
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{Rules::Engine.root}/lib/)
mount Rules::Engine => '/rules'
//= require business_rules/rules
*= require business_rules/rules
<%= content_for :rules_javascript %>
<%= render 'rules/shared/web_actions' %>
Rules.setup do |config|
# Automatically add ModelEventEmitter to all ActiveRecord classes
config.active_record = true
# Scan for models to eagerly load in development mode
config.development_model_paths << "app/models/**/*.rb"
# config.event_processing_strategy = :synchronous, :redis
config.event_processing_strategy = :synchronous
config.context_mapping_equivalencies = { messaging_user: [:user, :string],
object: [:user, :string],
user: [:sender] }
# config.current_user = -> {Thread.current[:rules_user]}
config.instance_lookups[:messaging_user] = { "User" => {
search: [:email],
display: '"[#{email}]"'
config.instance_lookups[:user] = { "User" => {
search: [:email],
display: '[#{email}]"'
config.system_messaging_user = "noreply@#{ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host]}"
# config.event_extensions = ->(h) { h[:agency_id] = Agency.current.try(:id); h }
# config.rule_context_around = ->(event_hash, &block) { a = Agency.find(event_hash[:agency_id]); Agency.with(a) { block.call if block} }
# config.redis_host, config.redis_port = ["localhost", 6379]
# config.redis_queue_name = "rules_events"
# Add middleware to make Redirect Rules work
require 'rules/all'
require 'rules/middleware/redirect_rule'
Rules.activate_event_processing #unless Rails.env == "test"
Rails.configuration.middleware.use "Rules::Middleware::RedirectRule"
# Add tasks, notifications to your User object
User.class_eval do |klazz|
klazz.has_many :tasks, class_name: "Rules::Task"
klazz.has_many :notifications, class_name: "Rules::Notification"
around_action :rules_user
def rules_user
Thread.current[:rules_user] = current_user
rescue => e
Rails.logger.error e.message
Rails.logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n")
Thread.current[:rules_user] = nil