This project was completed by Deb Hamel and Karina Gonzalez.
Clone down the repo
git clone
then run
cd rails_engineer
Run bundle
and then run the following commands from your command line to set up and seed your data.
then run
rails db:drop db:create db:migrate
if you get this error:
Environment data not found in the schema.
To resolve this issue, run:
bin/rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=development
then run
rake all_data:import
This repo uses the RSpec testing suite. To run the test suite run:
To start the a server:
rails s
Open a new terminal window.
To run the spec harness, first clone down the repo (make sure you are in the same directory that your project lives in). You may need to cd
up to the directory.
git clone
cd rales_engine_spec_harness
Run bundle update
finally, run rake
Rails Engine is a project at Turing School designed to test the deployment of an API only rails application. Additionally, business logic is accomplished using advanced ActiveRecord queries. The original project spec can be found here.