Small serialization helper for those who wants to get JS representation of object but gets only this dirty JSON.
Sometimes it's useful to serialize object into the JS user-readable representation but the only option you have is JSON which adds all this damn quotes around any keys (incl. valid identifiers), indents entire contents of any objects/arrays etc.
This small serializer allows you to overcome that and get pretty representations, just as you would write it with own hands in code:
obj | JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2) | serialize(obj) |
You can optionally pass options object as second argument (serialize(obj, { /*...options...*/ })
Possible options are below:
Type: Number|String
Default: ''
Initial indentation of output (generated indentation will be relative to this one). It can be either number of spaces or explicit string.
Type: Number|String
Default: 2
Indentation to be used for nested representations. It can be either number of spaces or explicit string (like '\t'
Type: Boolean
Default: false
If set to true
, generates JSON-compatible output (all the keys are wrapped with quotes, but indentation is still optimized).