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ts linting ref #172
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dcsan committed Aug 25, 2015
1 parent b3ef350 commit 8ba9f11
Showing 1 changed file with 387 additions and 0 deletions.
387 changes: 387 additions & 0 deletions nap/lib/bot/GBot.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
"use strict";

interface RoomObj {
name: string,

var Gitter = require("node-gitter"),
GitterHelper = require("../../lib/gitter/GitterHelper");

var AppConfig = require("../../config/AppConfig"),
RoomData = require("../../data/RoomData"),
Utils = require("../../lib/utils/Utils"),
KBase = require("../../lib/bot/KBase"),
BotCommands = require("../../lib/bot/BotCommands"),
Bonfires = require("../app/Bonfires");

var RoomMessages = require("../../data/rooms/RoomMessages");

function clog(msg, obj) {
Utils.clog("GBot>", msg, obj);

var GBot = {

init: function() {
var that = this;
// TODO refresh and add oneToOne rooms
this.roomList = [];
this.listReplyOptions = [];
this.gitter = new Gitter(AppConfig.token);

// listen to other rooms for 1:1
if (AppConfig.supportDmRooms) {
this.gitter.currentUser().then(function(user) {
that.scanRooms(user, AppConfig.token)
}, function(err) {
Utils.error("GBot.currentUser>", "failed", err);

getName: function() {
return AppConfig.botlist[0];

// listen to a known room
// does a check to see if not already joined according to internal data

listenToRoom: function(room:RoomObj) {
// gitter.rooms.find( (room) {

if (this.addToRoomList(room) === false) {

// Utils.clog("listenToRoom ->", room);
var chats = room.streaming().chatMessages();

// The 'chatMessages' event is emitted on each new message
chats.on("chatMessages", function(message) {
// clog('message> ', message.model.text);
if (message.operation !== "create") {
// console.log("skip msg reply", msg);

if (GBot.isBot(message.model.fromUser.username)) {
// console.warn("skip reply to bot");
} = room; // why don't gitter do this?

handleReply: function(message) {
clog( + " @" + message.model.fromUser.username + ":");
clog(" in|", message.model.text);
var output = this.findAnyReply(message);
if (output) {
clog("out| ", output);
// this.listReplyOptions = [];
return (output); // for debugging

//using a callback to get roomId
sayToRoom: function(text, roomName) {
var sayIt = function() {
console.log("sayIt", text, roomName);
GBot.say(text, roomName);
var roomId = GitterHelper.findRoomByName(roomName, sayIt);

say: function(text, room) {
//Utils.clog("GBot.say:", text, room);
Utils.hasProperty(room, 'path', 'expected room object'); // did we get a room
if (!text) {
console.warn("tried to say with no text");
try {
GitterHelper.sayToRoomName(text, room.uri);

} catch (err) {
Utils.warn("GBot.say>", "failed", err);
Utils.warn("GBot.say>", "room", room);

// search all reply methods
// returns a string to send
// handleReply takes care of sending to chat system
findAnyReply: function(message) {
var input, output, scanCommand;
input = this.parseInput(message);
var listReplyOptionsAvailable = this.findListOption(input);

if (input.command) {
// this looks up a command and calls it
output = BotCommands[input.keyword](input, this);
} else if (listReplyOptionsAvailable !== false) {
// if a list exists and user chose an option
output = listReplyOptionsAvailable;
} else {
// non-command keywords like 'troll'
scanCommand = RoomMessages.scanInput(input,, AppConfig.botNoiseLevel);
if (scanCommand) {
if (scanCommand.text) {
output = (scanCommand.text);
if (scanCommand.func) {
//Utils.tlog("func", scanCommand.func);
output = scanCommand.func(input, this);
// TODO - check its a string or nothing
return output;

// save a list of options
// when the bot sends out a list
makeListOptions: function(output) {
var matches = [];
// find what is between [] brackets in the list of links
// example [bonfire arguments optional]
output.replace(/\[([a-zA-Z ]+)\]/g, function(g0,g1){
// stores 'bonfire arguments optional' and the like in an array
this.listReplyOptions = matches;
//clog('ListOptions| ', matches);
return matches;

// reply option to user
// if they chose an option from the list
findListOption: function(input) {
var parsedInput = parseInt(input.cleanText, 10);

if (!this.listReplyOptions || this.listReplyOptions.length === 0) {
return false;
else if (input.cleanText.match(/^[0-9]+$/i) === null) {
// check if input is not a number
return false;
else if (this.listReplyOptions[parsedInput] === undefined) {
return false;
//return 'List option **' + input.cleanText + '** not found.';

// get chosen wiki or bonfire article to output
input.params = this.listReplyOptions[parsedInput];
if (input.params.split(' ')[0] === 'bonfire') {
var output = BotCommands['bonfire'](input, this);
} else {
var output = BotCommands['wiki'](input, this);

this.listReplyOptions = [];
return output;

// turns raw text input into a json format
parseInput: function(message) {
Utils.hasProperty(message, 'model');
var cleanText, input;

cleanText = message.model.text;
cleanText = Utils.sanitize(cleanText);

input = Utils.splitParams(cleanText);
input = this.cleanInput(input);
input.message = message;
input.cleanText = cleanText;

if (BotCommands.isCommand(input)) {
input.command = true;
return input;


cleanInput: function(input) {
// 'bot' keyword is an object = bad things happen when called as a command
if (input.keyword == 'bot') {
input.keyword = 'help';
return input;

announce: function(opts) {
clog("announce", opts);
// this.scanRooms();
// Utils.clog("announce -->", opts);
this.joinAndListenToRoom(opts, true);
// Utils.clog("announce <ok", opts);

joinAndListenToRoom: function(opts, announceFlag) {
var roomUrl,
delay = 0,
apiSpacing = 1000; // spacing per call

// ugh inconsistent api
if (typeof opts == "string") {
roomUrl = opts;
} else {
roomUrl =;
delay += apiSpacing;

setTimeout(function() {
GBot.gitter.rooms.join(roomUrl, function(err, room) {
if (err) {
console.warn("Not possible to join the room: ", err, roomUrl);
// return null; // check - will this add nulls to the list of rooms?
// have to stagger this for gitter rate limit
var text = GBot.getAnnounceMessage(opts);
GBot.say(text, room);
// clog("joined> ", room.uri);
return room;
}, delay);


// checks if joined already, otherwise adds
addToRoomList: function(room) {
// check for dupes
this.roomList = this.roomList || [];
if (this.hasAlreadyJoined(room, this.roomList)) {
return false;

// clog("addToRoomList>",;
return true;

// checks if a room is already in bots internal list of joined rooms
// this is to avoid listening twice
// see
// note this is only the bots internal tracking
// it has no concept if the gitter API/state already thinks you're joined/listening
hasAlreadyJoined: function(room) {
var checks = this.roomList.filter(function(rm) {
return ( ===;
var oneRoom = checks[0];
if (oneRoom) {
Utils.warn("GBot", "hasAlreadyJoined:", oneRoom.url);
return true;
return false;

getAnnounceMessage: function(opts) {
return "";
// disable
var text = "----\n";
if (opts.who && opts.topic) {
text += "@" + opts.who + " has a question on\n";
text += "## " + opts.topic;
} else if (opts.topic) {
text += "a question on: **" + opts.topic + "**";
} else if (opts.who) {
text += "welcome @" + opts.who;
return text;

// dont reply to bots or you'll get a feedback loop
isBot: function(who) {
// 'of' IS correct even tho ES6Lint doesn't get it
for (var bot of AppConfig.botlist) {
if (who === bot) {
//Utils.warn("GBot", "isBot!");
return true;
return false;

// this joins rooms contained in the data/RoomData.js file
// ie a set of bot specific discussion rooms
joinKnownRooms: function() {
var that = this;
clog("joinKnownRooms", AppConfig.getBotName() );
var delay = 0;
RoomData.rooms().map(function(oneRoomData) {
var roomUrl =;

joinBonfireRooms: function() {
var that = this;
Bonfires.allDashedNames().map(function(name) {
var roomUrl = AppConfig.getBotName() + "/" + name;
// Utils.clog("bf room", roomUrl);

// uses gitter helper to fetch the list of rooms this user is "in"
// and then tries to listen to them
// this is mainly to pick up new oneOnOne conversations
// when a user DMs the bot
// as I can't see an event the bot would get to know about that
// so its kind of like "polling" and currently only called from the webUI
scanRooms: function(user, token) {
var that = this;
clog("user", user);
clog("token", token);
GitterHelper.fetchRooms(user, token, function(err, rooms) {
if (err) {
Utils.warn("GBot", "fetchRooms", err);
if (!rooms) {
Utils.warn("cant scanRooms");
// else
clog("scanRooms.rooms", rooms); {
if (room.oneToOne) {
.then(function(roomObj) {

// FIXME doesnt work for some reason >.<
// needs different type of token?
updateRooms: function() {
.then(function(user) {
var list = user.rooms(function(err, obj) {
clog("rooms", err, obj);
clog("user", user);
clog("list", list);
return (list);


module.exports = GBot;

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