A sample multi-module project that compiles and builds in Gradle, SBT, and Maven to show the various ways to get Scala code built.
Martin Odersky -- We are in the middle of a paradigm shift [in] the industry, and there will be a new equilibrium between functional and object-driven programming, and Scala is leading that.
Build tools of JEE, Maven and Gradle.
- multi-module builds
- multi-multi-multi modules builds
- need to add Scala into these environments
- cross compiling can be tricky, but manageable
- mixing means java first or scala first
- keeps things seperate, at least in main and test
SBT is the Simple (or Scala) Build Tool
- Default build tool for Scala,
- Martin Odersky says Scala will continue to allow all three.
Testing - Recommend ScalaTest
- running a ScalaTest as a jUnit test
- class is ScalaTest
- run ScalaTest in additon to jUnit
- ScalaFeatureSpecTest
- ScalaFlatSpecTest
- ScalaFunSuiteTest
Show build systems example
- Maven
- JavaLib - no changes
- ScalaLib - added scalatest - pom.xml
- mvn clean test
- Gradle
- build.gradle
- JavaLib
- add beforeTest handle to see tests when they run
- ScalaLib
- add scalatest plugin
- gradle clean test
- Sbt
- project/build.sbt - add scalatest dependency
- sbt clean test
- Maven
Testing code in ScalaTest
- Pascal's Triangle
- Possible iterations - iterative and recursive
- PascalTriangleTest - look at examples
- Java Iterative
- PascalJava
- show Java to Scala conversions of List[List[Long]]
- Scala Recursive
- PascalScala
- show prettyPrint code
- Scala worksheet - O Captian, My Captian
- investigate a simpler algorithm
- determine structure to use
- need a structure to generate the next value on the fly
- Java Iterative