frecole is a simple school management system, offering an alternative to establishments that cannot acquire one of the many solutions on the market.
frecole allows these features:
- User management (creation/modification/deletion)
- User roles: each role (teacher, student, parent, etc.) gives access rights to the application
- Management of user groups (parent<==>student)
- Materials management
- Management of school years
For each school year:
- Class management
- Management of assignments (students and teachers)
- Work management
- Management of corrections
- Access to school results (parents, students, teachers)
The data model can be viewed here : modèle de données.
frecole has been developed in PHP with the laravel framework.
A full demo is available here :
frecole requires the use of:
- PHP 8.1
- composer (to install PHP dependencies)
- node (to install JS dependencies)
- Clone the project
git clone my_folder
- Enter the installation directory
cd my_folder
- Install the PHP dependencies
composer install
- Install the JS dependencies
npm install
- Initialize your environments. Copy the .env.example file to .env
COPY .env.example .env
If you want to use tests, you can also initialize the test environment (not required)
COPY .env.example .env.testing
By default, frecole uses the SQLITE database (provided with the PHP installation). The .env environment file points to this database.
But you can also choose to use another database (see below).
Run the migration to create the tables. The migration also populates a few tables:
- some subjects
- some types of work
- some comments
- civilities
- countries
- the roles
You are then free to complete and modify these lists.
php artisan migrate:fresh
To create some test data (users, periods, assignments, results...), you can also launch the migration by specifying --seed:
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
From the installation directory:
php artisan serve
This will launch the application on port 8000, frecole will then be available on localhost:8000
If you want to develop on the project, you can launch vite in parallel:
npm run dev
This will inspect any changes in the project in real time, refresh the site automatically, and build javascript and css resources optimized for production. See also
frecole is tested for all application security aspects (a help is welcome for the other tests....).
Before running the tests:
- create your test database (postgresql OR sqlite)
- create your test environment, see the .env.testing file
To run the tests:
php artisan test
frecole comes with these roles
- ADMIN (administrator - has access to everything)
- TEACHER (teacher - limited access)
- PARENT (parent - limited access)
- STUDENT (student - limited access)
Each of these roles corresponds to a list of tasks. See the matrix of these tasks here
The default assignment of tasks by roles is defined in the migration file database/migrations/create_roles_tasks_table.php. You are free to modify this attribution. WARNING: sensitive topic ...
frecole is provided by default in french. COMING SOON: MULTILANGUAGE.
The author of the site is looking for his product owner. Contact me.
frecole is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
- Identity : Dominique BUREAU (Dom)
- Age : sixty-year-old (immediately that commands respect eh.. ;-)
- Situation : married, 2 grown-up and beautiful children
- CV : I work
- Motto : Make this day count - Jack Dawson
- Hobbies : I love web development (ah if only it had been invented earlier).
Despite all my efforts, if you encounter problems (or even bugs...), or if you have functional or technical suggestions to make to me on frecole, you can contact me. Small messages of encouragement are also welcome.
Finally, if the site finds its audience and if the enthusiasm is there, then undoubtedly a “full API” version may be developped. To be continued!
- Project Manager : Dominique BUREAU
- Product owner : Dominique BUREAU
- Conception : Dominique BUREAU
- Development : Dominique BUREAU
- Scrum master : Dominique BUREAU
- Test : Dominique BUREAU
- Designer : Dominique BUREAU