Releases: davidfauth/Neo4jH3
Deprecating the old naming convention with com.neo4jh3 and migrating to neo4jh3
Added com.neo4jh3.coverage and com.neo4jh3.coverageString procedures which return a list of hex addresses that fully cover a polygon.
Updated for Neo4j 5.23.0
Added two new procedures to read a WKT polygon file and return the Hex Addresss. These are com.neo4jh3.polygonash3 and com.neo4jh3.polygonash3String. These procedures expect the POLYGON in Longitude, Latitude order.
Updated documentation and made some minor fixes.
Updated code base to reflect Neo4j 5.19.0
Added two new procedures that write to the Neo4j database. These are com.neo4jh3.writeH3NodesRelsToDB and com.neo4jh3.writeH3StringNodesRelsToDB.
Added a function com.neo4jh3.angleBetweenPoints to calculate the angle between two points (latitude and longitude).
Added in MIT license
Added two new procedures that write to the Neo4j database. These are com.neo4jh3.writeH3StringToDB and com.neo4jh3.writeH3ToDB. These procedures take a list of hex addresses, a Label, a Property and a transaction size and write the results to the database.
This release is for Neo4j 5.14.
Due to changes in Neo4j 5.14 where you can now run Java 17 or Java 21, the pom.xml was changed to address this.
If you are running Neo4j 5.14, please use this release.
Updated to work with Neo4j 5.13
Added com.neo4jh3.polygonIntersection and com.neo4jh3.polygonIntersectionString to return the h3 addresses that are in the intersection between two polygons
Updated com.neo4jh3.cellToLatLng, com.neo4jh3.cellToLatLngString, com.neo4jh3.centeraswkb, com.neo4jh3.centeraswkbString, com.neo4jh3.centeraswkt, com.neo4jh3.centeraswktString, com.neo4jh3.boundaryaswkt, com.neo4jh3.boundaryaswktString, com.neo4jh3.boundaryaswkb, com.neo4jh3.boundaryaswkbString, com.neo4jh3.centerasgeojson, com.neo4jh3.centerasgeojsonString, com.neo4jh3.boundaryasgeojson and com.neo4jh3.boundaryasgeojsonString to return results in lon / lat format at 6 decimal precision.
Multiple fixes within the file