- A collection of Fermyon Spin example components
- Rust code compiled to WebAssembly (Wasm) running as Serverless in the Cloud
- Install the Fermyon Spin command line utility "spin"
- spin build
- spin up
- If running on Windows, you might have to do some workarounds
- See fermyon/spin#2112
- Build spin-fileserver in a sibling directory
- cd ../spin-fileserver
- cargo build --release
- cd ../spin-prototype
- Update the path to spin_static_fs.wasm in spin.toml
- spin up --direct-mounts
- If running on Windows, you might have to do some workarounds
- Demonstrates using a static file server
- http://localhost:3000/test0
- Shows "test0"
- Default application from the template http-rust
- http://localhost:3000/test1
- Shows "Header spin-full-url: http://localhost:3000/test1"
- Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) REST API example
- From a Key-Value store example
- Also demonstrates how to use the Spin Router
- curl -i -X POST -d "ok!" localhost:3000/test2/test
- Stores the value "ok!" for the key "test"
- curl -i --head localhost:3000/test2/test
- A value is found for the key "test"
- curl -i -X GET localhost:3000/test2/test
- Retrieves the value "ok!" for the key "test"
- curl -i -X DELETE localhost:3000/test2/test
- Deletes the value "ok!" for the key "test"
- curl -i --head localhost:3000/test2/test
- No value found for the key "test"
- Demonstrates JSON input and output
- Post the name in a JSON object
- Responds with a JSON object containing a message
curl -i -X POST \
-d "{\"name\": \"World\"}" \
- Demonstrates use of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Large Language Model (LLM)
curl -i -X POST \
-d "{\"characters\": [\"Gilgamesh\", \"Utnapishtim\"]}" \
- Demonstrates calling a REST API from a Spin Component
- http://localhost:3000/test5?name=World
- Shows relayed output from Test 3
- Authentication (AuthN) / Authorization (AuthZ) example
- Might use OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect (OIDC)
- Fermyon Spin
- CroftSoft Advent of Spin Solutions
- Initial release: 2023-11-25