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A C++ library that implements the Consul API.

A this moment only some endpoints and actions are supported:

  • Register and deregister services with HTTP or gPRC health checks
  • Set, get and delete key/values
  • Create and delete sessions
  • Leader election using sessions


#include <consulcpp/ConsulCpp>

int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    consulcpp::Consul   consul;

    if( consulcpp::Consul consul; consul.connect() ) {
        consulcpp::Service        service;
        consulcpp::ServiceCheck   check;

        service.mName = "demo";
        service.mAddress = consul.address();
        service.mPort = 9990;

        check.mInterval = "10s";
        check.mGRPC = fmt::format( "{}:{}/Health", service.mAddress, service.mPort );
        service.mChecks = { check }; service );

        consulcpp::Session     session = consul.sessions().create();

        if( consulcpp::Leader::Status leader = consul.leader().acquire( service, session ); leader == consulcpp::Leader::Status::Yes ){
            // I'm the leader
            // I'm a follower
        consul.leader().release( service, session );
        consul.sessions().destroy( session ); service );
    return 0;

The library uses beast internally to access the Consul API. For now the use is inefficient.


Use cmake to build it on Windows, macOS and Linux.

Dependencies using VCPKG

./vcpkg install boost fmt uriparser nlohmann-json spdlog protobuf grpc ms-gsl tl-expected catch2

Use with CMake

find_package(consulcpp CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE consulcpp)

Other Consul Clients in C++

  • Ppconsul: C++ client for Consul. You should probably use this instead :)
  • oatpp-consul: C++ Consul integration for oatpp applications

Quality Checks


Quality Gate Status

  1. Install and add to the path both build-wrapper and sonar-scanner
  2. Set the SONAR_TOKEN environment variable
  3. Use the sonarqube target:
cmake --build build --target sonarqube