Simple package for dealing with zip codes in python. This is a fork from the package zipcode ( created to ignore checking if the sql object created is in the same thread as the current.
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>>> import zipcode >>> >>> myzip = zipcode.isequal('44102') >>> myzip.state #=> 'OH' >>> #=> 'Cleveland' >>> >>> myzip.to_dict() #=> {'zip_type': u'STANDARD', 'city': u'CLEVELAND', 'population': u'27699', 'zip': u'44102', 'yaxis': u'-0.74', 'location_text': u'Cleveland, OH', 'country': u'NA', 'notes': u'', 'lon': -81.67, 'tax_returns_filed': u'17409', 'state': u'OH', 'z axis': u'0.66', 'location': u'NA-US-OH-CLEVELAND', 'xaxis': u'0.1', 'lat': 41.47, 'wages': u'408225500', 'decommisioned': u'FALSE', '_LOCATION_TYPE': u'PRIMARY', 'world_region': u'NA'} >>> >>> #all keys in the dictionary can be fetched with dot notation. >>> >>> zipcode.islike('00') #=> list of Zip objects that begin with given prefix. >>> >>> cbus = (39.98, -82.98) >>> zipcode.isinradius(cbus, 20) #=> list of all zip code objects within 20 miles of 'cbus'