Bombarding with 1000000 requests using 100 connections
1000000 / 1000000 [===============================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 2m0s
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 8288.00 2053.49 10447
Latency 12.06ms 12.25ms 727.47ms
Latency Distribution
50% 10.29ms
75% 12.88ms
90% 17.39ms
99% 56.68ms
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 1000000, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
others - 0
Throughput: 2.14MB/s
Bombarding with 1000000 requests using 200 connections
1000000 / 1000000 [==============================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 1m51s
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 9003.00 477.66 10494
Latency 22.21ms 8.55ms 1.05s
Latency Distribution
50% 22.52ms
75% 26.00ms
90% 30.16ms
99% 44.25ms
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 1000000, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
others - 0
Throughput: 2.33MB/s
Bombarding with 1000000 requests using 300 connections
1000000 / 1000000 [==============================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 1m52s
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 8872.00 487.40 10786
Latency 33.80ms 12.44ms 1.06s
Latency Distribution
50% 36.48ms
75% 40.84ms
90% 46.04ms
99% 63.25ms
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 1000000, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
others - 0
Throughput: 2.29MB/s
Bombarding with 1000000 requests using 400 connections
1000000 / 1000000 [==============================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 1m54s
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 8789.00 693.28 10448
Latency 45.52ms 20.47ms 1.33s
Latency Distribution
50% 50.74ms
75% 55.73ms
90% 61.69ms
99% 79.47ms
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 1000000, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
others - 0
Throughput: 2.27MB/s
Bombarding with 1000000 requests using 500 connections
1000000 / 1000000 [==============================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 1m53s
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 8855.00 522.46 10849
Latency 56.44ms 25.21ms 1.29s
Latency Distribution
50% 64.77ms
75% 70.02ms
90% 76.22ms
99% 93.69ms
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 1000000, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
others - 0
Throughput: 2.29MB/s
Bombarding with 1000000 requests using 600 connections
1000000 / 1000000 [==============================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 2m21s
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 7073.00 1011.98 9797
Latency 84.64ms 64.55ms 1.32s
Latency Distribution
50% 87.89ms
75% 109.29ms
90% 136.19ms
99% 294.78ms
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 976860, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 23140
others - 0
Throughput: 1.89MB/s
Bombarding with 1000000 requests using 700 connections
1000000 / 1000000 [==============================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 2m20s
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 7103.00 1434.57 12170
Latency 98.48ms 133.05ms 1.98s
Latency Distribution
50% 86.52ms
75% 106.69ms
90% 139.70ms
99% 817.95ms
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 976104, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 23893
others - 3
read tcp4> i/o timeout - 1
read tcp4> i/o timeout - 1
read tcp4> i/o timeout - 1
Throughput: 1.89MB/s
Bombarding with 1000000 requests using 800 connections
1000000 / 1000000 [==============================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 3m20s
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 4993.00 3394.59 12440
Latency 160.16ms 188.73ms 1.97s
Latency Distribution
50% 95.76ms
75% 169.48ms
90% 379.07ms
99% 1.04s
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 955577, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 44423
others - 0
Throughput: 1.37MB/s
Bombarding with 1000000 requests using 900 connections
1000000 / 1000000 [==============================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 3m38s
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 4566.00 3737.51 12923
Latency 196.81ms 209.96ms 1.99s
Latency Distribution
50% 104.35ms
75% 299.63ms
90% 446.13ms
99% 1.04s
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 947810, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 52190
others - 0
Throughput: 1.26MB/s
Bombarding with 1000000 requests using 1000 connections
1000000 / 1000000 [===============================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 4m2s
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 4118.00 3816.53 12109
Latency 242.59ms 241.88ms 2.00s
Latency Distribution
50% 121.58ms
75% 388.04ms
90% 507.62ms
99% 1.09s
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 939353, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 60647
others - 0
Throughput: 1.15MB/s