This application was developed by James Love-Koh and Richard Cookson, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, and Paul Schneider, University of Sheffield, with advisory input from Susan Griffin, Rita Faria and Fan Yang. The NICE Project Leads were Lesley Owen and Monica Desai.
For their helpful and detailed feedback on the draft calculator we would like to thank Deborah O’Callaghan, James Lomas, Mike Paulden and the many NICE officials, advisers and committee members that we consulted during development.
Financial support for this project was provided by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the Wellcome Trust. All errors and opinions represented in the application are entirely those of development team and do not reflect those of NICE, the Wellcome Trust or the University of York.
The authors make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the information, graphics and outputs available on this site.
© University of York. We are happy for you to use this tool for educational or research purposes so long as you acknowledge the authors. A suggested citation is:
Love-Koh, J, Schneider, P, and Cookson, R. (2022). York health equity impact calculator. University of York (