Basic C++ sound library that allows you to compose and play small sounds by specifying sinusoids directly on code.
The main goal is to quickly generate different sounds with only a few lines of code. No external audio files are required. You can use it to implement or prototype sounds for games as the sound reproduction happens in another thread. Under the hood, this is using the world famous miniaudio.
A quick example:
RustyAudio::Builder soundBuilder;
{200, 0.5, 600},
{200, 0.5, 700},
{200, 0.5, 600},
{200, 0.5, 700},
{200, 0.5, 600},
{200, 0.5, 700},
{200, 0.5, 600},
{200, 0.5, 700},
{200, 0.5, 600},
{200, 0.5, 700}
constexpr unsigned int sampleRate = 48000;
constexpr unsigned int channels = 2;
RustyAudio::Buffer soundBuffer = soundBuilder.generate(sampleRate, channels);
RustyAudio::Player soundPlayer;
std::cout << "Press enter to close";
The triplet {200, 0.5, 600}
is describing a sinusoid wave with the signature WaveformSinusoid(unsigned int milliseconds, float amplitude, float frequencyHz)
You can also create your own waveforms, and use them with the builder as follows
RustyAudio::Builder soundBuilder;
soundBuilder.append(std::make_unique<RustyAudio::WaveformSinusoid>(500, 0.2, 200.0f));
soundBuilder.append(std::make_unique<RustyAudio::WaveformSquared>(500, 0.4, 200.0f));
soundBuilder.append(std::make_unique<RustyAudio::WaveformSquared>(700, 0.4, 400.0f));
RustyAudio::Buffer soundBuffer = soundBuilder.generate(sampleRate, channels);
and RustyAudio::WaveformSquared
are provided, but you can implement your own by inheriting RustyAudio::Waveform
. This way, you can compose your sound little by little.
In RustyAudio::Buffer
you can write any data you want, so the possibilities are wide open, you can generate music via code.
constexpr unsigned int durationMs = 5000;
constexpr float amplitude = 0.5;
constexpr float frequencyHz = 600.0f;
RustyAudio::Buffer soundBuffer;
soundBuffer.init(sampleRate, channels, durationMs);
const float frequencyRadMillis = 2 * std::numbers::pi * frequencyHz / 1000;
for (size_t frame = 0; frame < soundBuffer.frames() ; ++frame)
/* A representation of time */
const float timeMs = soundBuffer.time(frame);
/* Sampling a sinusoid */
const float sample = amplitude * std::sin(frequencyRadMillis * timeMs);
/* Casting it to int32 */
constexpr std::int32_t MAX_INT32 = (std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max)()*0.9; // sound artifacts if we reach the maximum value
const float scaledSample = MAX_INT32 * sample;
std::int32_t integerSample = static_cast<std::int32_t>(scaledSample);
/* A Frame is a convenient facade of the sound buffer, implemented as an std::span,
meaning, modifications to the frame, are modifying the underlying buffer. */
RustyAudio::Frame soundFrame =;
soundFrame = integerSample;
RustyAudio::Player soundPlayer;
std::cout << "Press enter to finish";
You can use this repository as a git submodule
git submodule add third_party/rusty_audio
And then use add_subdirectory
from your project's CMake file.
option(NOTHOFAGUS_INSTALL "Disabling installation of RustyAudio" OFF)
set_property(TARGET rusty_audio_demo PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 20)
target_include_directories(rusty_audio_demo PRIVATE ${RUSTY_AUDIO_INCLUDE})
target_link_libraries(rusty_audio_demo PRIVATE rusty_audio)
There are other ways to work, choose whatever suits you best.
git clone
cd rusty_audio
git submodule update --init --recursive
cmake --presets ninja-release-examples
cd ../build_cmake/ninja-release-examples/
ninja install
cd ../install_cmake/ninja-release-example/
There you will find the rusty_audio static library and some demos.
You should have cmake, ninja and Visual Studio Community (or another proper compiler) in your development environment.