PowerShell Script to perform a quick AD audit
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by phillips321
If you have any decent powershell one liners that could be used in the script please let me know. I'm trying to keep this script as a single file with no requirements on external tools (other than ntdsutil and cmd.exe)
Run directly on a DC using a DA. If you don't trust the code I suggest reading it first and you'll see it's all harmless! (But shouldn't you be doing that anyway with code you download off the net and then run as DA??)
- Device Information
- Get-HostDetails
- Domain Audit
- Get-LastWUDate
- Get-DCEval
- Get-TimeSource
- Get-PrivilegedGroupMembership
- Get-MachineAccountQuota
- Get-DefaultDomainControllersPolicy
- Get-SMB1Support
- Get-FunctionalLevel
- Get-DCsNotOwnedByDA
- Get-ReplicationType
- Get-RecycleBinState
- Get-CriticalServicesStatus
- Get-RODC
- Domain Trust Audit
- Get-DomainTrusts
- User Accounts Audit
- Get-InactiveAccounts
- Get-DisabledAccounts
- Get-LockedAccounts
- Get-AdminAccountChecks
- Get-NULLSessions
- Get-PrivilegedGroupAccounts
- Get-ProtectedUsers
- Password Information Audit
- Get-AccountPassDontExpire
- Get-UserPasswordNotChangedRecently
- Get-PasswordPolicy
- Get-PasswordQuality
- Dumps NTDS.dit
- Get-NTDSdit
- Computer Objects Audit
- Get-OldBoxes
- GPO audit (and checking SYSVOL for passwords)
- Get-GPOtoFile
- Get-GPOsPerOU
- Get-GPOEnum
- Check Generic Group AD Permissions
- Get-OUPerms
- Check For Existence of LAPS in domain
- Get-LAPSStatus
- Check For Existence of Authentication Polices and Silos
- Get-AuthenticationPoliciesAndSilos
- Check for insecure DNS zones
- Get-DNSZoneInsecure
- Check for newly created users and groups
- Get-RecentChanges
- Check for ADCS vulnerabiltiies, ESC1,2,3,4 and 8.
- Check for high value kerberoastable accounts
- Check for ASREPRoastable accounts
- Check for dangerous ACL permissions on Users, Groups and Computers.
- Check LDAP and LDAPs settings (Signing, null sessions etc )
The following switches can be used in combination
- -installdeps installs optionnal features (DSInternals)
- -hostdetails retrieves hostname and other useful audit info
- -domainaudit retrieves information about the AD such as functional level
- -trusts retrieves information about any doman trusts
- -accounts identifies account issues such as expired, disabled, etc...
- -passwordpolicy retrieves password policy information
- -ntds dumps the NTDS.dit file using ntdsutil
- -oldboxes identified outdated OSs like XP/2003 joined to the domain
- -gpo dumps the GPOs in XML and HTML for later analysis
- -ouperms checks generic OU permission issues
- -laps checks if LAPS is installed
- -authpolsilos checks for existence of authentication policies and silos
- -insecurednszone checks for insecure DNS zones
- -recentchanges checks for newly created users and groups (last 30 days)
- -adcs checks for ADCS vulnerabiltiies, ESC1,2,3,4 and 8.
- -acl checks for dangerous ACL permissions on Users, Groups and Computers.
- -spn checks for high value kerberoastable accounts
- -asrep checks for ASREPRoastable accounts
- -ldapsecurity checks for multiple LDAP issues
- -exclude allows you to exclude specific checks when using adaudit.ps1 -all -exclude ouperms,ntds,adcs"
- -select allows you to exclude specific checks when using adaudit.ps1 -all "gpo,ntds,acl"
- -all runs all checks, e.g. AdAudit.ps1 -all