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🚀 Base Swoole Application

Welcome to the base Swoole application repository.

This repository contains a basic application built using the Swoole extension in PHP 8.3. It includes an HttpServer and a WebSocketServer.

The application demonstrates how to implement a simple router, manage routes, and handle WebSocket connections and Coroutines efficiently.

Getting Started

Follow the steps below to set up and run the application.


Running the Environment

  1. Build Images:
docker compose build
  1. Run the Containers:
docker compose up -d
  1. Access the Examples:

Explore the examples to see how to leverage Swoole for high-performance network programming.


Application Type Address
Interface Nginx/JS http://localhost:80
API Swoole http://localhost:8080
WebSocket Swoole http://localhost:9090

Application Reference

Description Location
Docker's Entrypoint /docker/
Server's Starting point /docker/supervisord/*
Application's Bootstrap /bootstrap/app.php
HTTP Server /app/Servers/HttpServer.php
Websocket Server /app/Servers/WebSocketServer.php
Router /app/Router.php
Examples /public/examples/*