Welcome to my portfolio! Here, you can explore more about me, my skills, and the projects I've worked on. Feel free to check out the links provided to learn more about my work and how to get in touch. You can also find my contact information and phone number for any inquiries or opportunities.
- Homepage: The central hub for all information about me. It includes sections on my contact details, skills, projects, and a personal about me section.
- Navigation: The header on the homepage includes links to different sections: HOME, ABOUT, RESUME, SKILLS, PROJECTS, and CONTACT. Each link scrolls to the respective section on the same page.
- 404 Page: Displayed when trying to access a non-existent page.
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Redux: State management library for JavaScript applications.
- Redux Toolkit: Official, recommended way to write Redux logic, providing a set of tools and best practices for efficient state management.
- Bootstrap: CSS framework for responsive design.
- TypeScript: Programming language for the web.
- SCSS: Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets for enhanced styling.
Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/danieltovbin/Portfolio-Daniel.git
Install dependencies: cd client, npm install
Run the application: npm run dev
The project is deployed and ready to use. Simply click the link below to access it: https://portfolio-daniel-tovbin.onrender.com
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.