- Flow chart explaining basic architecture of the application
- To deploy the react website, you can do so by running the following command in the /frontend_react/ directory:
- npm run build
- Builds the react app into /frontend_react/build/
- go to netlify.com
- drag and drop the /frontend_react/build/ folder into the netlify window
- npm run build
- Not needed for deployment, but if you want to host the Sanity CMS FrontEnd locally, you can do so by running the following command in the /backend_sanity/ directory:
- sanity start
- Hosts on http://localhost:3333
- sanity start
- Postman collection of sample requests if you would like to interact with it
- If testing the go API locally:
- _misc\PortfolioLocal.postman_collection.json
- If testing the go API on Google Cloud Run:
- _misc\PortfolioRemote.postman_collection.json
- If testing the go API locally:
- If you want to run/test the Website using the Go API locally, go into header.tsx and replace:
- Or, do the opposite if you want to run/test the Website using the Go API on Google Cloud Run
- in file-explorer navigate to /_misc/ then run startScript.ps1 to do all of the below automatically
- Launch new Powershell Window in /backend_sanity/
- run sanity via "sanity start"
- Hosts on http://localhost:3333
- Launch new Powershell Window in /frontend_react/
- run react via "npm start"
- Hosts on http://localhost:3000
- Launch new Powershell Window in /api_go/
- run go via "go run main.go"
- Hosts on http://localhost:8080