all code will be hosted here.
Explanation of folders in this directory.
app - contains Models, Views, and Controllers for the interface of the webapp
core - contains program logic, as well as the MySQL database interface.
gradle/wrapper - contains resources for the build script needed for Travis CI
.travis.yml - Travis CI script
build.gradle - Universal build script, builds both app and core modules
gradlew - compiled build script needed for travis CI
gradlew.bat - not sure if needed...
settings.gradle - project information.
In a terminal session enter:
git clone
Next, you need to initialize Gradle by running the script in the project directory.
Now you can build the project using:
./gradlew clean build
The executable will be zipped into app/build/libs/ and you can run it with.
java -jar app/build/libs/teamone-spring-boot-0.1.0.war
Navigate to http://localhost:8080/ to see the webapp!