AmITheAH_Study project is a code + sql project I wrote with a purposes to find out if there's a NTA (not the asshole) bias in Reddit's "AmITheAsshole" subreddit. When learning how to create a reddit bot using praw I've created a bot that commented on 5 posts ESH (everyone sucks here) in a matter of a few minutes I've received my fair share of down votes and angry comments. I have then thought that there might be a NTA bias and decided to check this out. My plan was to comment 8 new comments (iterate between NTA, ESH, YTA and NAH) every hour (using a scheduler) and calculate the average comment score after a few weeks. All of the comments and scores are stored in a MySQL table using pymysql.
Unfortunately, before I was able to get any serious results I was banned.
You'll need to install a few packages in order for this to run: pymysql praw (I've followed this guide originally: have a working MySQL environment
Current usage is straightforward. In the future I would like to change this parts of the code:
- ability to easily change the subreddit, comments
- Code will create a new DB and table the first time it's used instead of having this manually created in advance
- Maybe switch the current table to NoSQL format as the current table is answering one specific answer
- Breakdown the current MySQL table structures to make it more flexible to answer future questions