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Azure Pipeline YAML Generator

Generate Azure DevOps YAML pipelines.


Generate Azure DevOps YAML pipelines for your projects.

Currently this extension supports:

  • Xamarin.Forms
  • Xamarin.iOS
  • Xamarin.Android
  • iOS
  • Android

Below the list of options generated by the extension for your pipeline depending on the type of your project:

  • Run Unit Test
  • Build the project
  • Update the package identifier (packageName / BundleID)
  • Manage version dynamically
  • Add a banner to the launch icon
  • Publish the artifacts generated
  • Distribute the packages with App Center (.ipa, .apk, .aab)


Feel free to contribute!

Release Notes


Stable version.

Supports added for:

  • iOS templates
  • Android templates

Fix issues:

  • Back button increase the current steps number.
  • A folder project was needed to display the file generated.


Supports added for:

  • Xamarin.iOS templates
  • Xamarin.Android templates

Possibility to choose to generate an Android App Bundle or an Apk


Fix path version fixed for Windows.


Demo version:

  • Xamarin.Forms templates