- Mat.cpp + Mat.h - a matrix class in cpp.
- exceptions.cpp + exceptions.h - throwing exceptions.
- bmp.cpp + bmp.h - parsing BMP pictures.
- bmp_tester.cpp - with the given bmp_tester.hpp file.
- Constructor
- Copy constructor
- Copy assignment operator
- Move Constructor
- Move assignment operator
- Destructor
- Get height and width
- Set value
- Add another matrix
- Multiply the matrix with another matrix
- Multiply the matrix by scalar
- Operator (rowIndex, colIndex) - get the value in the matrix.
- rotate90Degrees - return a matrix after rotating this matrix.
- Exception that is dealing with the ErrorCode errors in the Matrix section.
- Exception that is dealing with message errors in the BMP section.
- rotating the BMP picture 90 degrees clockwise.
- converting the BMP picture to gray scale one.
- writeToFile - write the photo into a BMP file.
- setters to all the members in the class.
- getters to some of the members.
- toGray (private) - returns a color from a 3 given numbers. (rgb)
BMP has a lot of members (for each line in the table) and we parse all of them into a BMP member in Parser.
If The BMP format was diffrent we would have changed the members of the BMP class and then the Parser methods that parse them.
If the photo format was diffrent we would have done it the same way as if it was a diffrent BMP (change fileds and parse methods)
- bytesToUnsignedInt - convert 4 bytes to unsigned int.
- bytesToSignedInt - convert 4 bytes to signed int.
- parseHeader - parsing Header of the picture. (with this private methods)
- parseMagic - parse the magic.
- parseBmpFileSize - parse the size of the BMP file.
- parseReserved - parse the reserved.
- parsePixelArrayAddress - parse the offset of the pixel array in bytes.
- parseDIBHeader - parsing DIBHeader of the picture. (with this private methods)
- parseHeaderSize - parse the size of the DIBheader. (must be 40)
- parseBitmapWidth - parse the width of the bitmap.
- parseBitmapHeight - parse the height of the bitmap.
- parseConstant - parse the constant. (must be 1)
- parseBitsPerPixel - parse the bits per pizel (8 or 24)
- parseCompression - parse the compression (must be 0)
- parseBitmapSizeWithoutCompression - parse the bit map size without compression. (might be 0)
- parseResolution - parse the revolution. (width and height)
- parseNumOfColors - parse the number of colors.
- parseNumOfImportantColors - parse the number of important colors.
- parseColorPallete - parse the color pallete. (only for 8 bits per pixel)
- parseBitmapArray - parse the bitmap array. (only for 24 bits per pixel)
- getPicture - get the picture that was parsed.
- Has three members (chars): m_red, m_green, m_blue.
- Has a constructor.
- Has getters to the members.
- Has a ToGray function - return a new color that is a grayscale of this color.
- Has an isEqual function - checks if this color and the given color are the same.
- isBMPFile - checks if the input file is a bmp file.
- isValidFile - checks if the file exists.
- rotate_image - we checked if output and input files are bmp files and if the input file exists and then we rotated the image.
- convert_to_grayscale - we checked if output and input files are bmp files and if the input file exists and then we converted the image to grayscale.
- Tested the Matrix part with tests that we made.
- Tested the code with tests that we got from our fellow students.
- Tested the BMP with the "woman" that you gave us.
- Tested the BMP with a couple more photos that we created.
Inspiration - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Inspiration - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkafqBj6dsk
Note: If you want us to give you good songs every excercise ler us know!!!