An online, multiplayer game inspired by the classic game Mastermind. Developed as part of the TU Delft course CSE1500.
Meisterkopf is a 1 vs 1 online browser game. A player is either a codemaker or a codebreaker. At the start of the game, the codemaker will create a secret code of four colors. The codebreaker gets 8 guesses to guess the secret code. The pins on the right reveal whether a color was guessed correctly (black), or whether the color is included in the secret code but on a different position (grey). The players will switch roles when the round ends. After two rounds, the player with the highest score wins the game.
- Make sure Node.js is installed
- With
as current directory, runnpm start
- Terminal will show server log, while the game can be started at
- Note that two players are required to play the game, therefore open two tabs.