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Load and performance tests for the schulportal


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Load and performance tests for the schulportal

Running in the cluster

Go to Actions > Trigger Loadtest > Run workflow.

In the dialog enter the following and replace the UPPERCASE words in the right column with the appropriate values (see explanation below).

Field Value
Use workflow from main
Branch to take tests and helm/cron setup from main
sets PATTERN env var used as k6 input PATTERN
sets CONFIG env var used as k6 input CONFIG
name of test scenario defined in values.yaml SCENARIO
execute cronjob scenario after install true

Values explained

Value Description
PATTERN a glob that matches a file in loadtest/usecases, i.e. 1 or login
CONFIG one of spike, stress, breakpoint, debug, plateau; see loadtest/util/config.ts
SCENARIO target environment; one of dev-scenario, staging-scenario, prod-scenario; see charts/schulportal-load-tests/values.yaml


Adding different load patterns

In loadtest/util/config.ts define an entry in the enum, extend the function that converts strings into enum values and add your desired configs.

export enum CONFIG {
  YOURCONFIG = "yourconfig",
  // ...
export function getConfig(): CONFIG {
  const config = __ENV["CONFIG"];
  if (config == CONFIG.YOURCONFIG.toString()) return CONFIG.YOURCONFIG;
  // ...

export function getDefaultOptions() {
  const config = getConfig();
  const maxVUs = MAX_VUS ?? 10;
  switch (config) {
      return {
        stages: [
          { duration: "30s", target: maxVUs }, // ramp up to maxVUs
          { duration: "30s", target: maxVUs }, // hold
          { duration: "10s", target: 0 }, // ramp down
        // OPTIONAL: conditions to stop the test early
        thresholds: {
          http_req_failed: [{ threshold: "rate<0.10", abortOnFail: true }],
          http_req_duration: [{ threshold: "p(95)<5000", abortOnFail: true }],
      // ...

Running against different environments

In charts/schulportal-load-tests/values.yaml define a scenario with your desired base-url.



You will need a working installation of k6. (How to install k6).

You have to provide loadtest/data/users.json with usernames, passwords and role for the tests to work. An example is provided in loadtest/data/.

To create type-definitions for the API run:

npm run generate-client # to generate new type-definitions for the api

This uses loadtest\api-client\openapispec.json. You can obtain the file from the schulportal-client or a running instance of dbildungs-iam-server. Sadly the generated client itself is not usable here, but the types/models are.

How to run

Tests are categorized as


To run all usecases with the stress-configuration against https://example.env/:

./ "https://example.env/" stress

And you can selectively run usecases by providing a regex for the filename:

./ "https://example.env/" stress login


npm run check # to format, lint, typecheck the code
npm run generate-client # to generate new type-definitions for the api
 # k6 requires filetypes on some imports and won't run without them.
 # The error does not give you a lot to go on, but this will list all locations where these extensions are missing.


Load and performance tests for the schulportal







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Contributors 4

