- This repo contains the dataset and codes we used in our EMNLP2023 findings paper, A Closer Look into Automatic Evaluation Using Large Language Models.
- Our codes are mostly based on the official implementation of G-Eval.
We use a venv for all our experiments, and the packages in this enviroment are listed in requirements.txt
Maybe some packages are not required for reproducing our results.
The datasets and prompts are already in the datasets
and prompts
Note that the files starting with flu_new
in prompts/summeval
are the prompts we construct.
The SummEval dataset is from the the repo of G-eval, and the dataset of Topical-Chat is from the repo of UniEval.
The file names for the prompts in prompt
are quite clear and speaks for themselves.
For example, here is what you should see when ls prompts/summeval
prompts/summeval/rel_analyze_rate_auto_cot.txt prompts/summeval/rel_geval.txt
prompts/summeval/rel_analyze_rate.txt prompts/summeval/rel_rate_explain_auto_cot.txt
prompts/summeval/rel_free_text_no_auto_cot.txt prompts/summeval/rel_rate_explain.txt
You can see that the file name can be represented as "$attribution"_"$mode".txt
, where '$attribution' corresponds to the initial three letters of the attribution to be evaluated, and $mode
is the ablations of different prompts (the Ablations column in Table 1 and Table 2 in our paper).
You need to fill in your OpenAI API key and the organization key in the run.sh
bash run.sh
The available modes for$mode
can be found in the file names of the prompts in prompts/
We place all the results of querying ChatGPT in results
We provide all our results in results
To run the meta evaluation, simply run python3 all_eval.py
It will generate the latex-like table in our paper.
The current mode for 'all_eval.py' is for calculation Pearson's r using Method 1. If you want to calculate it with method 2, change Line 134 from results_A = meta(input_fp, attr, 'A')
to results_A = meta(input_fp, attr, 'B').
Refer to the Appendix C in our paper about the difference between the two methods.
In short, Method 1 calculates the dataset-level correlation coefficient and Method 2 calculates the document-level correlation coefficent.
We find that our conclusion holds for method 1 and method 2.
Alternatively, you can use the meta_eval_summeval.py
to calculate the correlation coefficient for a specific attribution.
Example execution:
python3 meta_eval_summeval.py \
--input results/summeval/gpt3.5_coh_analyze_rate.json \
--dimension coherence
If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue.
You can also email Cheng-Han Chiang via dcml0714 AT gmail DOT com
If you use our results or find our paper useful, please cite our paper via
title={A Closer Look into Using Large Language Models for Automatic Evaluation},
booktitle={The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
If you use the codes in this repo, please also cite the G-eval paper since our codes are mainly based on thier codes.
title={G-Eval: NLG Evaluation using GPT-4 with Better Human Alignment},
author={Yang Liu and Dan Iter and Yichong Xu and Shuohang Wang and Ruochen Xu and Chenguang Zhu},