sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin
sudo apt-get install python{,3}-dev python-pip
sudo -H pip install --upgrade pip
(At this point, pip --version
should probably be picking up the proper binary, ie from /usr/local/...
and not /usr
You should see '/local/' somewhere in the reported library path, and pip should declare itself as version >= 9.0.1. If not, then reissue the version query after doing a hash -r
(csh => rehash
Install virtualenv
via pip
sudo -H pip install virtualenv
Then create the virtual environment under $HOME
cd ; virtualenv -p python3 testenv3
Follow the installation instructions for REDIS and start up an instance of the server in a separate terminal window. Redis will need to be running for the queue and worker objects to be registered and visualized.
Now drop into the virtual python environment we created previously:
source ~/testenv3/bin/activate
Your prompt should (at least, if using bash
) reflect you are in the virtual environment.
While in the virtual environment, install some other needed prerequisites from irods related repositories:
- Install mpi4py :
pip install mpi4py
- Install RQ , which will be used to monitor the worker queues:
pip install rq rq-dashboard
From here on out, running rq-dashboard &
and monitoring on port 9181 will give the status of all worker queues on:
or just the queue named normal on:
Now install the python iRODS client library and development version of the ingest tools :
pip install git+
pip install git+```
Now create a directory $HOME/pyingest and cd
into it , clone the pwalk (parallelwalk) module:
cd ; mkdir pyingest ; cd pyingest ; git clone
cd pwalk
git checkout PY3
It also helps to append these lines to your .bashrc
and then exec bash
to make sure these are effective in your terminal window.
(We'll assume they are in effect for the next parts of this section.)
Either open new windows for the following, or spawn subwindows within this terminal window (with tmux
or similar) in which your new bash
settings are active.
Following are the commands to issue in various windows for the different components of the demo.
A persistent connection to an iRODS server to register and ingest the files will be necessary , therefore make sure the appropriate irods-client-icommands package is already installed via the iRODS download page and iinit
has been run to initiate the server connection.
# For register (must be inside the python3 test environment):
PATHTOSCRIPT=$(dirname $([ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ] && find "$VIRTUAL_ENV" -name 'enqu*.py' -type f 2>/dev/null||echo .))
# __ if we're not in a virtual environment, the next command only works if the script is
# located in the current working directory :
mpiexec -n 5 python "$PATHTOSCRIPT/" /projects/irods/ingest_test/5000_files/ /projects/irods/ingest_test /tempZone/home/rods/test2
# pattern is:
# mpiexec -n 5 python [src_physical_path] [leading_path_mask] [dest_irods_path]
For put (ingest):
irodsqueue ingest -f --timer /PATH/TO/LOCAL/DIR
# Launch workers
# high normal low - are queue names
for i in {1..16}; do sleep .1; do
rq worker -v --burst -w irodsqueue.irodsworker.IrodsWorker high normal low &