Software components to support the operation of a giant guitar tuner display. See src/main.c
for a fuller description of the software architecture.
- Using Raspberry Pi Imager, choose the
Raspberry Pi OS Lite
image and select the SD card, click Write. - Mount the boot drive and make the following changes to config.txt:
- Comment out
- Add
disable_splash=1 dtoverlay=disable-bt dtoverlay=sd_overclock=100 boot_delay=0 dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown
- Comment out
- Unmount and remove the SD card.
- Boot the raspi (press enter if it seems to hang at "Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.")
- Default username/password: pi/raspberry
sudo raspi-config
- Localization, WLAN Country - US
- Localization, Timezone - US, Eastern
- Locatization, Keyboard - English (US), Other.
- System, Wireless LAN (configure to allow installing packages and transferring application code).
- System, Network at Boot (disable to speed bootup).
- Interface, SSH (enables SFTP and SSH console).
- Interface, Serial Port (enable to allow console access over pins 6 GND, 8 TX, 10 RX).
- Finish
Ensure apt-get has the latest versions and install them.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Install Git, cmake, pigpio.
sudo apt-get install git cmake pigpio -y
git clone
cd guitar-tuner
sudo ./
sudo ./
cd bin
It should say something like "SPI: FT4222 SPI Slave OK, Running."
Press Ctrl+C to close the program.
To start the application as a service, run sudo ./
Pin #02 - 5V
Pin #05 - GPIO3 (active low, power on/off)
Pin #06 - GND (power on/off)
Pin #08 - TX (serial console)
Pin #09 - GND (serial console)
Pin #10 - RX (serial console)
Pin #12 - GPIO18 (PWM LED data)
Pin #14 - GND (LED)
Pin #16 - GPIO23 (Input, Motion Sensor)
Pin #18 - GPIO24 (Output, Relay - power supply)
- To resize the serial console terminal,
nano .profile
and add:if [[ "$(tty)" != "/dev/tty1" ]] ; then stty rows 60 cols 160 fi
- The gpio-shutdown dtoverlay (in config.txt) allows connecting GPIO 3 to GND to safely shut down the computer. The rpi comes pre-configured to allow GPIO 3 to GND to power up the computer.