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Jin Whan Bae committed Apr 20, 2020
1 parent f30a0ef commit 22d9ed0
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Showing 2 changed files with 256 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion neams/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ def __init__(self, cyclus_cmd, metadata_path='/Users/4ib/Desktop/git/cyclus_gui/
duration = 1234
startmonth = 1
startyear = 2020
Expand Down
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions neams/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
import numpy as np
import os
import shutil
import json
import copy
import sqlite3 as lite
from processor import load_environment, BinnedData, Sheet, Options, Processor

class CyclusProcessor(Processor):
def __init__(self, name='cyclus', options=None):
super(CyclusProcessor, self).__init__(name, options)
sqlite_path = ''
self.el_z_dict = {'H': 1, 'He': 2, 'Li': 3, 'Be': 4, 'B': 5, 'C': 6, 'N': 7, 'O': 8, 'F': 9, 'Ne': 10, 'Na': 11, 'Mg': 12, 'Al': 13, 'Si': 14, 'P': 15, 'S': 16, 'Cl': 17, 'Ar': 18, 'K': 19, 'Ca': 20, 'Sc': 21, 'Ti': 22, 'V': 23, 'Cr': 24, 'Mn': 25, 'Fe': 26, 'Co': 27, 'Ni': 28, 'Cu': 29, 'Zn': 30, 'Ga': 31, 'Ge': 32, 'As': 33, 'Se': 34, 'Br': 35, 'Kr': 36, 'Rb': 37, 'Sr': 38, 'Y': 39, 'Zr': 40, 'Nb': 41, 'Mo': 42, 'Tc': 43, 'Ru': 44, 'Rh': 45, 'Pd': 46, 'Ag': 47, 'Cd': 48, 'In': 49, 'Sn': 50, 'Sb': 51, 'Te': 52, 'I': 53, 'Xe': 54, 'Cs': 55, 'Ba': 56, 'La': 57, 'Ce': 58, 'Pr': 59, 'Nd': 60, 'Pm': 61, 'Sm': 62, 'Eu': 63, 'Gd': 64, 'Tb': 65, 'Dy': 66, 'Ho': 67, 'Er': 68, 'Tm': 69, 'Yb': 70, 'Lu': 71, 'Hf': 72, 'Ta': 73, 'W': 74, 'Re': 75, 'Os': 76, 'Ir': 77, 'Pt': 78, 'Au': 79, 'Hg': 80, 'Tl': 81, 'Pb': 82, 'Bi': 83, 'Po': 84, 'At': 85, 'Rn': 86, 'Fr': 87, 'Ra': 88, 'Ac': 89, 'Th': 90, 'Pa': 91, 'U': 92, 'Np': 93, 'Pu': 94, 'Am': 95, 'Cm': 96, 'Bk': 97, 'Cf': 98, 'Es': 99, 'Fm': 100, 'Md': 101, 'No': 102, 'Lr': 103}
self.z_el_dict = {v:k for k, v in self.el_z_dict.items()}

# Auxiliary functions
def nucid_convert(self, nucid):
e = int(nucid) // 10000
a = e % 1000
z = e // 1000
name = self.z_el_dict[z]
if self.config_dict['nuc_notation'].get() == 'ZZAAA':
return str(z) + str(a)
return name + str(a)

def timestep_to_date(self, timestep):
timestep = np.array(timestep)
month = self.init_month + (timestep * (self.dt / 2629846))
year = self.init_year + month//12
month = month%12
dates = [x+(y/12) for x, y in zip(year, month)]
return dates

def get_cursor(self, sqlite_path):
con = lite.connect()
con.row_factory = lite.Row
self.cur = con.cursor()

def get_times(self):
i = self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM info').fetchone()
self.init_year = i['InitialYear']
self.init_month = i['InitialMonth']
self.duration = i['Duration']
i = self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM TimeStepDur').fetchone()
self.dt = i['DurationSecs']

def get_id_proto_dict(self):
# returns dictionary of key
agentids = self.cur.execute('SELECT agentid, prototype, kind FROM agententry').fetchall()
self.id_proto_dict = {agent['agentid']:agent['prototype'] for agent in agentids if agent['kind']=='Facility'}

def get_iso_flow_dict(self, where_phrase, n_isos, time_col_name='Time'):
q = self.cur.execute('SELECT time, quantity, resources.qualid, nucid, sum(quantity*massfrac) FROM transactions INNER JOIN resources ON transactions.resourceid = resources.resourceid INNER JOIN compositions on compositions.qualid = resources.qualid WHERE %s GROUP BY nucid, time' %where_phrase).fetchall()
uniq_ = self.cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT(nucid) FROM transactions INNER JOIN resources ON resources.resourceid = transactions.resourceid INNER JOIN compositions ON compositions.qualid = resources.qualid WHERE %s' %where_phrase).fetchall()
timeseries_dict = {q['nucid']:np.zeros(self.duration) for q in uniq_}

for row in q:
timeseries_dict[row['nucid']][row['time']] = row['sum(quantity*massfrac)']
keys = sorted(timeseries_dict.keys(), key=lambda i:sum(timeseries_dict[i]), reverse=True)[:n_isos]
x = np.arange(self.duration)
return x, {self.nucid_convert(k):v for k,v in timeseries_dict.items() if k in keys}

def query_result_to_timeseries(self, query_result, col_name,
x = np.arange(self.duration)
y = np.zeros(self.duration)
for i in query_result:
y[int(i[time_col_name])] += i[col_name]
return x, y

def query_result_to_dict(self, query_result, vary_col_name, val_col,
x = np.arange(self.duration)
y = {}
keys = list(set([q[vary_col_name] for q in query_result]))
for i in keys:
y[i] = np.zeros(self.duration)
for i in query_result:
y[i[vary_col_name]] += i[val_col]
y1 = {k:np.mean(v) for k, v in y.items()}
n = int(self.config_dict['n_isos'].get())
keys = sorted(y1, key=y1.__getitem__, reverse=True)[:n]
new_y = {k:v for k, v in y.items() if k in keys}

# Generation functions

def generate_trade_flow(self, groupby):
traders = self.cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT senderid, receiverid, commodity FROM transactions').fetchall()
table_dict = {'sender':[], 'receiver': [], 'commodity' = []}
if groupby == 'agent':
table_dict['sender'] = [self.id_proto_dict[i['senderid']] + '(%s)' %str(i['senderid']) for i in traders]
table_dict['receiver'] = [self.id_proto_dict[i['receiverid']] + '(%s)' %str(i['receiverid']) for i in traders]
table_dict['commodity'] = [i['commodity'] for i in traders]
elif groupby == 'prototype':
already = []
for i in traders:
checker = [self.id_proto_dict[i['senderid']], self.id_proto_dict[i['receiverid']], i['commodity']]
if checker in already:

# should generate a csv with all possible combinations?

def generate_commodity_flow(self):
commods = self.cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT commodity FROM transactions').fethcall()
names = [i['commodity'] for i in commods]

def generate_agent_flow(self):
entry = self.cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT prototype FROM agententry WHERE kind="Facility"').fetchall()
proto_list = [i['prototype'] for i in entry]

def generate_timeseries_flow(self):
tables = self.cur.execute('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table"').fetchall()
timeseries_tables_list = [i['name'].replace('TimeSeries', '') for i in tables if 'TimeSeries' in i['name']]

def generate_inventory_flow(self, groupby):
isit = self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM InfoExplicitInv').fetchone()
if not isit['RecordInventory']:
raise ValueError('This simulation was run without `explicit_inventory` turned on.')

if groupby == 'agent':
# get list of agents

# et list of prototypes
entry = self.cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT prototype FROM agententry WHERE kind="Facility"').fetchall()
proto_list = [i['prototype'] for i in entry]

return x, new_y

# Generation functions

def get_trade_flow(self, sender, receiver, commodity, action, groupby):
n_isos = 0

if groupby == 'prototype':
receiver_id = [k for k,v in self.id_proto_dict.items() if v == receiver]
sender_id = [k for k,v in self.id_proto_dict.items() if v == sender]
sender_name = sender[:sender.index('(')]
receiver_name = receiver[:receiver.index('(')]
sender_id = [sender[sender.index('(')+1:sender.index(')')]]
receiver_id = [receiver[receiver.index('(')+1:receiver.index(')')]]

str_sender_id = [str(q) for q in sender_id]
str_receiver_id = [str(q) for q in receiver_id]
if n_isos = 0:
query = 'SELECT sum(quantity), time FROM transactions INNER JOIN resources ON transactions.resourceid == resources.resourceid WHERE (senderid = ' + ' OR senderid = '.join(str_sender_id) + ') AND (receiverid = ' + ' OR receiverid = '.join(str_receiver_id) + ') GROUP BY time'
q = self.cur.execute(query).fetchall()
x, y = self.query_result_to_timeseries(q, 'sum(quantity)')
x, y = self.get_iso_flow_dict('(senderid = ' + ' OR senderid = '.join(str_sender_id) + ') AND (receiverid = ' + ' OR receiverid = '.join(str_receiver_id) + ')', n_isos)

if groupby == 'prototype':
name = '%s_%s_%s.csv' %(sender, receiver, commodity)
name = '%s_%s_%s.csv' %(sender_name, receiver_name, commodity)

# export somehow

def get_commodity_flow(self, commod):
n_isos = 0
if n_isos == 0:
movement = self.cur.execute('SELECT time, sum(quantity) FROM transactions INNER JOIN resources on transactions.resourceid==resources.resourceid WHERE commodity="%s" GROUP BY time' %commod).fetchall()
x, y = self.query_result_to_timeseries(movement, 'sum(quantity)')
x, y = self.get_iso_flow_dict('commodity = "%s"' %commod, n_isos)

def get_agent_flow(self, prototype, which):
entry = self.cur.execute('SELECT agentid, entertime FROM agententry WHERE prototype="%s"' %prototype).fetchall()
agent_id_list = [i['agentid'] for i in entry]
entertime = [i['entertime'] for i in entry]
exittime = []
for i in agent_id_list:
exit = self.cur.execute('SELECT agentid, exittime FROM agentexit WHERE agentid=%s' %str(i)).fetchone()
if exit == None:

x = np.array(list(range(self.duration)))
y = []
if which == 'enter':
for time in x:
elif which == 'exit':
for time in x:
elif which == 'deployed':
deployed = 0
for time in x:
deployed += entertime.count(time)
deployed -= exittime.count(time)

def get_timeseries_flow(self, timeseries):

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