Puppet module for configuring the 'supervisor' daemon control utility. Currently tested on CentOS 6.
This fork installs using pip rather than system packages, since CentOS supervisor packages are hopelessly out-of-date. I've also added some support for supervisor extensions (specifically superlance/httpok, but can easily be extended).
Install into <module_path>/supervisor
Example usage:
include supervisor
supervisor::service { 'http-app':
ensure => present,
enable => true,
user => 'http-user',
directory => '/var/www/http-app',
numprocs => 4,
numprocs_start => 8000,
command => "/var/www/http-app/app.py --host --port %(process_num)s",
redirect_stderr => true,
stdout_logfile => "/var/log/supervivor/http-app-%(process_num)s.log",
stderr_logfile => "/var/log/supervisor/http-app-%(process_num)s.error.log"
supervisor::plugins::httpok { 'http-app':
url => '',
port => 8000,
code => '200',
numprocs => 4
Running tests:
$ bundle install --path=.gems
$ bundle exec rake spec