(suggested by github: "how about improved-meme
Another attempt at cultlang. But this time as a more minimalist attempt, focused around doing Advent of Code stuff and things.
Ideas to do this better this time
- Using an ECS for the type system, rather than our custom graph system. (library flecs)
- Supporting exactly EDN. (custom parser)
- Better AST as type-traits design from the beginning. (custom built into our type system)
- Simpler module/namespace/symbol/loading system. (custom built into our type system)
- No compiler till much later. (llvm, but not till later)
- Maybe a simple optimizer pass. (custom pass system)
- Simpler evaluator from the beginning.
- Better baked in data structures. (library immer)
- Thread/Execution stack first design. (no globals or thread locals, passing the stack context as a variable)
Features to die for, these are the things I really want:
- Context sensitive ASTs / symbol resolvers
- A better way to do "macros" where we can make context sensitive AST/resolvers.
- Eventually to the point of invoking custom parsers! (an EDN extension? more powerful version of
basically, triple back tick perhaps?) - "namespaces" as resolution spaces
- Function dispatch feedback
- A scaling level of dispatch feedback.
- At dynamic mode, the dynamic evaluation ensures the final state is correct.
- At some level of static evaluation, "best partial evaluation possible"
- Multi methods are overloads are context sensitive functions are templates.
- (e.g. "ENV/environment style markers on the dispatch")
- Compile/optimized a function dispatch for performance improvements.
- Scaling improvements depending on how much information can be guaranteed at call time.
- function dispatch is the compiler.
- A way to signal a change to dependent objects, so this can be invalidated / recompiled.
- A scaling level of dispatch feedback.
- Signal/Condition/Restart
- Dynamic dispatches as "stack / context" dispatch resolution of functions (as described above), as the signal system
- Just can resolve to a "throw to point".
- Some sort of "context" for catch / throw / call-through.
- Dynamic dispatches as "stack / context" dispatch resolution of functions (as described above), as the signal system
- Declaim / Compiler Args
- Declaring how strong the compiler will work, or ref-counting vs. GC, or other options at "global" / "thread local" / "call local" levels.
- These variables are part of the "dispatch environment" so that they can be used to lower how the functions are called.
- So a compiler is just a
{:env {:compiler [:llvm]}}
which then changes the dispatch of the function to be a compiler internal (e.g. arguments might now be translated to LLVM refs) - An optimizer might then be
{:env {:optimize '(> memory speed size)}}
and then arguments would be compile time ones.
- So a compiler is just a
- C++ style "full control" object descriptions
- e.g. including how it operates when assigned, or other operations are done to it.
- The mechanism for this is by the powerful dispatch system which can reach out of the function to grab things like "variables".
- but with "prove traits exist".
- e.g. including how it operates when assigned, or other operations are done to it.
- Arbitrary precision numbers by semi-default?
- syntax projection…
- My white whale
- Ability to fixup
(ref X)
depending on people's preferences.- This follows into full on syntax preferences.
- Need to write a parser optimizer in code.
- Language replacements of symbols.
- Set a "projection preference" for the code to be stored in.
(and attempted answers)
How will dispatch work?
The first entry in the list being evaluated will be evaluated and resulting entity will be dispatched against.
- A callable entity is one which has a component which is tagged as callable (because it has a component that allows it to be executed, or it may be executed directly as a C function).
- A callable entity may have an
Component which describes the argument list names of it. And anArgumentTypeList
which describes the type checks of the list of arguments (and perhaps calling convention if some of them are literals, but we won't support that at first)- A dispatching entity will have component relationships which describe all the possible dispatches. From that list a query for the pair
(DispatchesAs, Entity)
will return the entire dispatch table which can then be sorted and called by the evaluator.
- e.g. if "Foo" is an entity that is a dispatch. Then each dispatch instance will have a relationship
FooForSomeCase, DispatchesAs, Foo
- Will have to decide on a "most specific" rule.
- Support wrapping types? (before, after, around, and keyword mix-in calls?)
for these has to be similar to (but maybe not match) the dispatch entity.