The add-on is designed to search for various types of objects using a single field. This out-of-the-box solution enables searching by application menu items.
You can configure your application to search for entities including related ones as well as entity attributes.
Key features:
- A single field for searching.
- Customizable search strategy.
See sample application using this add-on.
The add-on can be added to your project in one of the ways described below. Installation from the Marketplace is the simplest way. The last version of the add-on compatible with the used version of the platform will be installed. Also, you can install the add-on by coordinates choosing the required version of the add-on from the table.
In case you want to install the add-on by manual editing or by building from sources see the complete add-ons installation guide in CUBA Platform documentation.
- Open your application in CUBA Studio. Check the latest version of CUBA Studio on the CUBA Platform site.
- Go to CUBA -> Marketplace in the main menu.
- Find the Rich Search add-on there.
- Click Install and apply the changes. The add-on corresponding to the used platform version will be installed.
- Open your application in CUBA Studio. Check the latest version of CUBA Studio on the CUBA Platform site.
- Go to CUBA -> Marketplace in the main menu.
- Click the icon in the upper-right corner.
- Paste the add-on coordinates in the corresponding field as follows:<add-on version>
where <add-on version>
is compatible with the used version of the CUBA platform.
Platform Version | Add-on Version |
7.2.X | 1.6.0 |
7.1.X | 1.5.0 |
7.0.X | 1.4.0 |
6.10.X | 1.3.0 |
6.9.X | 1.2.0 |
6.8.X | 1.0.3 |
- Click Install and apply the changes. The add-on will be installed to your project.
- Override the main screen via the Studio interface.
- Add the following code to
For horizontal menu layout
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<window xmlns=""
<dialogMode height="600"
<hbox id="titleBar">
<search:richSearch id="search"
<search:strategyBean name="search_MainMenuSearchStrategy"/>
For vertical menu layout
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<window xmlns=""
<dialogMode height="600"
<hbox id="horizontalWrap">
<vbox id="sideMenuPanel">
<vbox ext:index="4" margin="true">
<search:richSearch id="search"
<search:strategyBean name="search_SideMenuSearchStrategy"/>
Search Field provides one or several search strategies that are called for each search query.
Search Strategy defines which objects should be returned as a result of the current search request.
SearchEntry is an interface designed to work with search result objects. Each SearchEntry has an id, caption and the name of a search strategy that it belongs to specified.
DefaultSearchEntry defines the default implementation of SearchEntry.
SearchContext provides the context dependent data for the search mechanism, e.g. a user session, additional params.
HeaderEntry implements a header for grouping strategy results.
Let us consider an example of how the component can be of use. Start by searching for a system user. The component finds the required user and opens User Editor.
The system performs search by login. In order to configure the component, use the following code:
LoadContext<User> lc = LoadContext.create(User.class);
lc.setQueryString("select u from sec$User u where u.loginLowerCase like concat('%',:loginLowerCase,'%')")
.setParameter("loginLowerCase", query.toLowerCase());
The sections below present several options to define search strategies.
Spring bean:
public class UsersSearchStrategy implements SearchStrategy {
public List<SearchEntry> load(SearchContext context, String query) {
LoadContext<User> lc = LoadContext.create(User.class);
lc.setQueryString("select u from sec$User u where u.loginLowerCase like concat('%',:loginLowerCase,'%')")
.setParameter("loginLowerCase", query.toLowerCase());
return dataManager.loadList(lc).stream()
.map(user -> new DefaultSearchEntry(user.getId().toString(), user.getCaption(), name()))
public void invoke(SearchContext context, SearchEntry value) {
LoadContext<User> lc = LoadContext.create(User.class)
User user = dataManager.load(lc);
AppUI.getCurrent().getTopLevelWindow().openEditor(user, WindowManager.OpenType.NEW_TAB);
public String name() {
return "usersSearchStrategy";
XML screen config:
<search:richSearch id="search" inputPrompt="msg://search">
<search:strategyBean name="search_UsersSearchStrategy" />
Add the following entry to the main message pack as it is given below:
searchStrategy.{strategyName} = Strategy name
searchStrategy.usersSearchStrategy = Users
XML screen config:
<search:richSearch id="search" inputPrompt="msg://search">
<search:strategy name="usersSearchStrategy" searchMethod="search" invokeMethod="invoke" />
Screen controller:
public class MyWindowController extends AbstractWindow {
protected DataManager dataManager;
public List<SearchEntry> search(SearchContext context, String query) {
LoadContext<User> lc = LoadContext.create(User.class);
lc.setQueryString("select u from sec$User u where u.loginLowerCase like concat('%',:loginLowerCase,'%')")
.setParameter("loginLowerCase", query.toLowerCase());
return dataManager.loadList(lc).stream()
.map(user -> new DefaultSearchEntry(user.getId().toString(), user.getCaption(), "usersSearchStrategy"))
public void invoke(SearchContext context, SearchEntry searchEntry) {
LoadContext<User> lc = LoadContext.create(User.class)
User user = dataManager.load(lc);
AppUI.getCurrent().getTopLevelWindow().openEditor(user, WindowManager.OpenType.NEW_TAB);
Screen controller:
public class MyWindowController extends AbstractWindow {
protected DataManager dataManager;
protected RichSearch search;
public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
search.addStrategy("usersSearchStrategy", query -> {
LoadContext<User> lc = LoadContext.create(User.class);
lc.setQueryString("select u from sec$User u where u.loginLowerCase like concat('%',:loginLowerCase,'%')")
.setParameter("loginLowerCase", query.toLowerCase());
return dataManager.loadList(lc).stream()
.map(user -> new DefaultSearchEntry(user.getId().toString(), user.getCaption(), "usersSearchStrategy"))
}, searchEntry -> {
LoadContext<User> lc = LoadContext.create(User.class)
User user = dataManager.load(lc);
AppUI.getCurrent().getTopLevelWindow().openEditor(user, WindowManager.OpenType.NEW_TAB);
The result is:
- The available amount of input should be accounted for each strategy separately (no task, to be discussed).
- It is required to add an XML declaration for specific strategy parameters (no task, to be discussed).
- It is required to add keyboard shortcuts for the component and its settings (no task, to be discussed).