Server-side library for working with Expo using PHP.
If you have any problems with the code in this repository, feel free to open an issue or make a PR!
Table of Contents
You can run the test suite via composer:
composer test
You can install the package via composer:
composer require ctwillie/expo-server-sdk-php
This package was written with two main use cases in mind.
- Sending push notification messages to one or more recipients, then you're done! The most obvious use case.
- And channel subscriptions, used to subscribe one or more tokens to a channel, then send push notifications to all tokens subscribed to that channel. Subscriptions are persisted until a token unsubscribes from a channel. Maybe unsubscribing upon the end users request.
Keep this in mind as you decide which is the best use case for your back end.
Compose a push notification message to send using options from the Expo docs.
use ExpoSDK\ExpoMessage;
* Create messages fluently and/or pass attributes to the constructor
$message = (new ExpoMessage([
'title' => 'initial title',
'body' => 'initial body',
->setTitle('This title overrides initial title')
->setBody('This notification body overrides initial body')
->setData(['id' => 1])
Compose a message then send to one or more recipients.
use ExpoSDK\Expo;
use ExpoSDK\ExpoMessage;
* Composed messages, see above
* Can be an array of arrays, ExpoMessage instances will be made internally
$messages = [
'title' => 'Test notification',
'to' => 'ExponentPushToken[xxxx-xxxx-xxxx]',
new ExpoMessage([
'title' => 'Notification for default recipients',
'body' => 'Because "to" property is not defined',
* These recipients are used when ExpoMessage does not have "to" set
$defaultRecipients = [
(new Expo)->send($messages)->to($defaultRecipients)->push();
Subscribe tokens to a channel, then push notification messages to that channel. Subscriptions are persisted internally in a local file so you don't have to worry about this yourself. Unsubscribe the token from the channel at any time to stop messages to that recipient.
⚠️ If you are are running multiple app servers: Be very careful here! Channel subscriptions are stored in an internal local file. Subscriptions will not be shared across multiple servers.
* Specify the file driver to persist subscriptions internally.
use ExpoSDK\Expo;
$expo = Expo::driver('file');
// composed message, see above
$recipients = [
// name your channel anything you'd like
$channel = 'news-letter';
// the channel will be created automatically if it doesn't already exist
$expo->subscribe($channel, $recipients);
// you can unsubscribe one or more recipients from a channel.
$expo->unsubscribe($channel, $recipients);
Get the data returned from successful responses from the Expo server.
$response = $expo->send($message)->to($recipients)->push();
$data = $response->getData();
Expo provides a macro for handling tokens that have DeviceNotRegistered error in the Expo response. You can register a callback before sending your messages to handle these unregistered tokens.
You only need to register the handler once as it will be applied to all Expo instances.
use ExpoSDK\Expo;
Expo::addDevicesNotRegisteredHandler(function ($tokens) {
// this callback is called once and receives an array of unregistered tokens
$expo1 = new Expo();
$expo1->send(...)->push(); // will call your callback
$expo2 = new Expo();
$expo2->send(...)->push(); // will also call your callback
Retrieve the push receipts using the ticket ids from the Expo server.
$ticketIds = [
$response = $expo->getReceipts($ticketIds);
$data = $response->getData();
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.