This is a minimal implementation of a pipeline that deploys a simple text classifier into the AWS cloud using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK).
Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies:
python -m venv .env
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can test the installation by running:
PYTHONPATH=. pytest classifier/tests
- Make sure you have a valid AWS account and installed the command line tools CDK installed
- Create an AWS IAM user providing the credentials for creating resources.
- Set up a CLI profile with the IAM credentials and a default region (e.g. eu-central-1)
- Get your 12-digit IAM account id using
aws sts get-caller-identity
- Create an AWS GitHub connection which allows AWS to clone your fork of this repo. The connection has a unique id (ARN).
- Open the file
and put the default region (e.g. eu-central-1) and account id and github connection ARN into the dictionaryshared_context
Train a valid classifier:
PYTHONPATH=. python classifier/
The model will be saved under /tmp/classifier.pkl. When you trigger the deployment the pipeline will look for the model in the S3 bucket specified in the shared_context
in the file infrastructure/
, thus you need to upload it there first.
Create a new bucket in the AWS S3 console with the name classifier-serving-model-bucket
and upload the classifier to the bucket.
Go to infrastructure
, create a virtual environment and install the dependencies:
cd infrastructure
python -m venv .env
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Synthesize and deploy the CloudFormation template:
cd infrastructure
cdk synth
cdk deploy classifier-cicd-stack classifier-networking-stack classifier-serving-stack
Once the deployment is finished you can go to the AWS console and verify that the CodePipeline build went through. Logs are under CloudWatch/insights.
The classifier will is exposed to the internet via a LoadBalancer, whose DNS you can find under the EC2 service: Go to Load balancers
and click on the running instance, the DNS will be displayed there. If you copy+paste the dns-address to your browser as: dns-address/classify
then the input text field for the classifier should be displayed.
Make sure you destroy the resources once you don't need them anymore:
cdk destroy classifier-cicd-stack classifier-networking-stack classifier-serving-stack