Python code that calculates the IVR and IVP of the Deribit DVOL index.
Dash and plotly used to display the charts in a browser.
One year of DVOL data is displayed on a candlestick chart, while the IVR and IVP are shown underneath on gauge dash components.
DVOL values are used to calculate IVR and IVP such that:
iv_rank = (current_vol - year_min) / (year_max - year_min) * 100
iv_percentile = (periods_lower / total_periods) * 100
current_vol = the current value of DVOL
year_min = the lowest value for DVOL over the last year
year_max = the highest value for DVOL over the last year
periods_lower = the number of periods that DVOL closed lower than the current value
total_periods = the total number of periods in the data