Crosstalk packaging for node.js projects built on top of browserify.
uses an extension to browserify
that is implemented in this fork.
Write an entry.js
with require()
s in it:
// use relative requires
var foo = require( './foo' );
// use Crosstalk requires
var self = require( 'self' );
// or use modules installed by npm into node_modules/
var uuid = require( 'prefixed-uuid' );
// global `crosstalk` variable is available
crosstalk.on( 'some.message', function () {
crosstalk.emit( 'some.message.response' );
Now you can use crosstalkify
command to build a worker file for upload that takes entry.js
as it's entry point:
crosstak-project$ crosstalkify -o worker.js
All of the modules are included in the final worker.js
, browserify
is now ready for upload to Crosstalk Swarm along with it's package.json
Usage: crosstalkify {OPTIONS}
--outfile, -o Write the crosstalkify bundle to this file.
If unspecified, crosstalkify prints to stdout.
--directory, -d Project directory to crosstalkify.
The project directory is the one with package.json in it.
If unspecified, current working directory will be used.
--help, -h Show this message
For more information on what can be expected to work, see browserify.
With npm do:
npm install -g crosstalkify
npm test