This project is developed as a way to learn and apply Ruby in UI automation, by using a BDD and Ruby/ Capybara based framework.
- Make a github account
- Fork the framework into your own domain or download it locally on your computer
- Read the below information and use the resources mentioned to get used to the programming languages and the best practices to be apply while coding
- Install Ruby locally:
- Install the bundler gem (command in the terminal :
gem install bundler
) - Go to the location of your newly cloned / downloaded framework and do a
bundle install
to install all the necessary gems - In order to run the created scenario, in your terminal run command
cucumber -t @search
The below framework can be used for UI automation, using Ruby and Capybara (a Ruby gem/library similar to Selenium that can be used for UI automation).
The helpers.rb is a class where you can add general methods used within different test cases (e.g. click methods, find methods, etc)
In this folder you will add classes for each of your project pages (following the POM structure) We have already added home_page.rb where you can add the methods and elements (together with their locators) for the HomePage/MainPage of this application
PageFactory is a bundle page, where you create objects for each of the defined project classes (e.g. @homepage for HomePage class)
In this folder you will store all the step definitions for the BDD scenarios created
In this feature file you will add the BDD scenarios
- Explanation over the framework structure and the first scenario together:,%20February%2019,%202021%203.24.13%20PM.mp4
- - from this pathway the sections useful for these exercises are: - 1. Object Oriented Programming Principles - 2. Basic Web Automation - using Ruby - 3. Web Automation best practices - 4. BDD Metodology - 4.2 Cucumber concepts - 6. Source Control - Getting started with Git
- For the Jenkins part:
- If you encounter access issues with any of the above contact:
[email protected]
Navigate to the website under test and automate the following functionalities:
- Using the POM principles, refactor the Then step from the @search scenario, according to the principles (follow the same rules as already done for the
) - Convert the already created scenario into a scenario outline so more products can be searched on, at once. What do you experience here?
- Search for a product that doesn't exist and validate the error message received
- Use the advanced search functionality (e.g. type "dress" and select from the list of recommendations "Casual Dresses > Printed")
- Check that you can sort based on the prices (lowest to highest)
- Check that you can sort based on the name of produts from Z-A
- Register to the website by providing a valid email address and filling in all the mandatory field
- Check the errror messages received in case mandatory fields are not filled in
- Validate the error message received in case you try to register with an existing email
- Try to login with a wrong pair of email/password
- Login successfully to the website
- Add a product to a cart and order it successfully by filling in all the required info (as an authenticated user)
- Add a product to a cart and order it successfully by filling in all the required info (without being authenticated)
- Create html reports while running your scripts
- Create profiles (cucumber.yml files) that will allow you to run the scripts in various browsers
- Add extra configuration in the env.rb files for other browsers (e.g. Edge, IE11)
- In the hooks.rb file add an after hook with allows you to add screenshots in case scenarios fail
- Configure a jenkins agent locally
- Create pipelines for various browsers and run the scripts
- Use the groovy script from pipelines > demo_pipeline as an example on how to configure your pipelines in Jenkins