After compiling and installing LLVM 13, the environment needs to have LLVM-related paths.
Take inserting a timing function as an example:
In the libins fold, we can compile the inserted timing function into a dynamic library:
gcc inslib.c -I . -shared -fPIC -o
helps us to use flags of LLVM, which means we don't need to recompile the whole LLVM project when compiling a new PASS.
clang++ -fPIC -c InstruFunc.cpp -o InstruFunc.o `llvm-config --cxxflags`
clang++ -shared -o InstruFunc.o `llvm-config --ldflags`
Unfortunately, the current method requires at least the instrumentation library to be included in the source code.
//#include "inslib.h" //Need to uncomment.
int M = 100;
int N = 100;
void test(){
int x = 2;
int A[M*N];
for (int i = 0;i < N;i++){
for(int j = 0;j < M;j++){
int main()
return 0;
In the test fold:
clang -S -L ../libins/ -linstrument -emit-llvm -I ../libins test_instrument.c -o test_instrument.ll
opt -load ../ -instrufunc -enable-new-pm=0 test_instrument.ll -o test_instrument.bc
lli -load ../libins/ test_instrument.bc
In the test fold:
clang -Xclang -load -Xclang ../ -L ../libins -linstrument -I ../libins test_instrument.c -o test_instrument
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(topdir)/InstruFunc/libins