To create the binary, Go must be installed
go build guide2go.go
CLI parameter: guide2go -h
- Create a config file
guide2go -configure filename
Follow the instructions in the terminal
Path to cache file (can be changed). In this file, the data is stored by SD, so that the data does not have to be downloaded again next time.
"file.cache": "./cache_filename.json"
"file.output": "filename.xml"
Change the image format (can be changed). Only the pictures in the highest resolution available are used. Posters are only created if they are also available in the specified format
"poster.aspect": "all"
- all: All available image formats are written to the XML file. This feature may be supported by Emby soon.
- 2x3: Poster is written in 2x3 format in the XML file (Plex image format),
- 4x3: Poster is written in 4x3 format in the XML file
- 16x9: Poster is written in 16x9 format in the XML file
"schedule.days": 7
guide2go -configure filename
- Create the XML file:
guide2go -config filename