Releases: crh3675/nodeii
Releases · crh3675/nodeii
Market Crash 2018
2017 End Of Year Deps
Updating deps for:
- async
- body-parser
- express
- express-ejs-layouts
- express-session
- morgan
- sails-disk
- waterline
Maintaining the Code
Fixing bug with senseii.js loading files other than JS during startup
Checks and Balances
Keeping dependencies up to date
Keeping Up With the Jones'
Bumping dependent library versions. Added configuration per environment example.
Smooth as silk update
Resolved updated dependencies
Update in this release is the fact we moved routes into another folder to appease those who nay-say about the base architecture (even though you can do whatever you want - go figure). We hope this release provides a good abstraction between routes and views to appease the lazy.
Smack That A
Pushed versions of dependent libraries