Releases: creativetimofficial/light-bootstrap-dashboard-react
Releases · creativetimofficial/light-bootstrap-dashboard-react
Updated dependencies
[2.0.0] 2021-01-21
- We have updated this product from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4, so in essence, this is a new product
- For this, we have followed the guidelines from here and here
- We also did not add Bootstrap variables as part of our styles (we will do so in one of our next updates, probably in version 3.0.0 when we'll add Bootstrap 5)
Bug fixing
- Renamed all files to
, instead of.jsx
- Refactor all files from class components to functional ones, so now, you can use React Hooks
- #62
- #58
- #52
- #50
Major style changes
- Since the update from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4, all styles have been changed
Deleted components
- src/components/Card/Card.jsx (we'll use the simple React Bootstrap tags instead)
- src/components/CustomButton/CustomButton.jsx (we'll use the simple React Bootstrap tags instead)
- src/components/CustomCheckbox/CustomCheckbox.jsx (we'll use the simple React Bootstrap tags instead)
- src/components/CustomRadio/CustomRadio.jsx (we'll use the simple React Bootstrap tags instead)
- src/components/FormInputs/FormInputs.jsx (we'll use the simple React Bootstrap tags instead)
- src/components/StatsCard/StatsCard.jsx (we'll use the simple React Bootstrap tags instead)
- src/components/Tasks/Tasks.jsx (we'll use the simple React Bootstrap tags instead)
- src/components/UserCard/UserCard.jsx (we'll use the simple React Bootstrap tags instead)
Added components
Deleted dependencies
- react-notification-system (we'll use react-notification-alert from now on)
- @types/googlemaps
- @types/markerclustererplus
- @types/react
- react-google-maps (we'll use simple Google Maps API with Vanilla JS)
- react-toggle (we'll use the simple React-Bootstrap Form.Check as a switch instead)
Added dependencies
- [email protected] (instead of the react-notification-system)
- [email protected] (as part of the react-notification-alert)
- [email protected] (since Bootstrap requires it)
- @fortawesome/[email protected] (For easier update of the package - instead of a link inside public/index.html)
- [email protected] (For Creative Tim licenses)
- [email protected] (For Creative Tim licenses)
Updated dependencies
bootstrap 3.3.7 → 4.6.0
node-sass 4.12.0 → 4.14.1
react 16.8.6 → 17.0.1
react-bootstrap 0.32.4 → 1.4.3
react-chartist 0.13.3 → 0.14.3
react-dom 16.8.6 → 17.0.1
react-router 5.0.0 → 5.2.0
react-router-dom 5.0.0 → 5.2.0
react-scripts 3.0.0 → 4.0.1
typescript 3.4.3 → 4.1.3
The TypeScript and jQuery dependencies are installed only to stop console warnings on install. They are not actually used in our product. So the product is not based on TypeScript or jQuery!
The following warnings will appear when running the installation command, but they do not affect the UI or the functionality of the product (they will be solved in our next update):
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of react@^0.14.9 || ^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of [email protected] || ^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of react@^0.14.0 || ^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
If they will persist in our 2.4.* version, we will drop their usages and replace them with other plugins.
In development mode, some of the above plugins will throw a warning because they still use React v16 syntax. If the error will persist in our 2.4.* version, we will drop their usage and replace them with other plugins.
Upgrade details
- Updated all packages from
, link here: - Renamed all
components toFormLabel
(this refers to the react-bootstrap components) - Renamed all
components toContainer
(this refers to the react-bootstrap components) - Rename all
components toFormText
- Rename all
components toDropdown.Item
- Rename all Panel components to Card
- Deleted variables folder
- Change the usage of
React Big Calendar
to the new API, so instead of
import BigCalendar from "react-big-calendar";
- And
const localizer = BigCalendar.momentLocalizer(moment);
- We will have:
import { Calendar as BigCalendar, momentLocalizer } from "react-big-calendar";
- And
const localizer = momentLocalizer(moment);
- Change Panels with new react-bootstrap components
- For Col componets, replaced
size={number1} sizeOffest={number2}
withsize={{span: number1, offset: number2}}
where size can bexs
- Changed
- Changed
- Replace
with<div className=“navbar-header”>
- Replace
with<div className="navbar-search-form navbar-form navbar-left">
- Replace
- Replace
- All required images have a default prop at the end now, example:
const us_flag = require("../assets/img/flags/US.png");
was changed toconst us_flag = require("../assets/img/flags/US.png").default;
- Rename all .jsx files to .js
- Added Row and Col inside StatsCard
- Delete eventKey from NavDropdown components
- Deleted noCaret from NavDropdown components
- Replace Navbar fluid with Navbar → Container fluid
- Add fontawesome as dependencie instead of font link insde public/index.html, it is now imported insde src/index.js
- In addition to these changes, we’ve chaned the structure of the pages and components as well to match those from the HTML version of the product: