Migration from Material-UI v4 to v5
[2.0.0] 2021-09-20
Bug fixing
Major style changes
- Migration from Material-UI v4 to Material-UI v5.
- Customizing Autocomplete component based on the Soft Design.
- Customizing the TextField component based on the Soft Design.
Deleted components
Added components
Deleted dependencies
- @material-ui/core
- @material-ui/icons
- @material-ui/styles
Added dependencies
- @emotion/cache
- @emotion/react
- @emotion/react
- @emotion/styled
- @mui/icons-material
- @mui/material
- @mui/styled-engine
- @mui/styles
- stylis
- stylis-plugin-rtl
Updated dependencies
The soft-ui-dashboard-pro-react/pages/rtl is chaning the route slowly in development mode its a problem with @emotion/cache prepend
and we will fix it on our future updates.