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Bug Fixing & Dependencies Updated

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@sajadevo sajadevo released this 14 Feb 06:54
· 13 commits to main since this release

[2.1.0] 2022-02-14

Bug fixing

  • Add the color prop to the useMemo dependencies list
  • Fix the non-nested route issue
  • Momoized the context provider values
  • Fix the conditionally used of useContext for MDPagination component
  • Fix the import/no-anonymouse-default-export

Major style changes

Deleted components

  • DefaultNavbarCategories (src/examples/Navbars/DefaultNavbar/DefaultNavbarCategories.js
  • DefaultNavbarLink (src/examples/Navbars/DefaultNavbar/DefaultNavbarLink.js
  • DefaultNavbarMenu (src/examples/Navbars/DefaultNavbar/DefaultNavbarMenu.js
  • Menus (src/examples/Navbars/DefaultNavbar/Menus)

Added components

  • DefaultNavbarDropdown (src/examples/Navbars/DefaultNavbar/DefaultNavbarDropdown.js)

Deleted dependencies


Added dependencies


Updated dependencies

  "@emotion/cache"                             11.4.0          ->          11.7.1
  "@emotion/react"                             11.4.1          ->          11.7.1
  "@emotion/styled"                            11.3.0          ->          11.6.0
  "@fullcalendar/daygrid"                      5.9.0           ->          5.10.0
  "@fullcalendar/interaction"                  5.9.0           ->          5.10.0
  "@fullcalendar/react"                        5.9.0           ->          5.10.0
  "@fullcalendar/timegrid"                     5.9.0           ->          5.10.0
  "@mui/icons-material"                        5.2.0           ->          5.4.1
  "@mui/material"                              5.2.0           ->          5.4.1
  "@mui/styled-engine"                         5.2.0           ->          5.4.1
  "@react-jvectormap/core"                     1.0.0-alpha.7   ->          1.0.1
  "@react-jvectormap/world"                    1.0.0-alpha.4   ->          1.0.0
  "@testing-library/jest-dom"                  5.11.4          ->          5.16.2
  "@testing-library/react"                     12.1.0          ->          12.1.2
  "@testing-library/user-event"                12.1.10         ->          13.5.0
  "chroma-js"                                  2.1.2           ->          2.4.2
  "prop-types"                                 15.7.2          ->          15.8.1
  "react-images-viewer"                        1.6.7           ->          1.7.1
  "react-router-dom"                           6.0.2           ->          6.2.1
  "react-scripts"                              4.0.3           ->          5.0.0
  "stylis"                                     4.0.10          ->          4.0.13
  "stylis-plugin-rtl"                          2.1.0           ->          2.1.1
  "web-vitals"                                 1.0.1           ->          2.1.4
  "yup"                                        0.32.9          ->          0.32.11
