AngularJS implementation of a flexible search box, by OS Elements
Live demo coming soon!
Note: osel-search uses AngularJS 1.2.x to maintain IE8 support.
Project files are available through Bower:
bower install osel-search --save-dev
Include osel-search.js before angular
and rx
Include osel-search-templates.js after osel-search.js. If you want, you can override the template by injecting your own HTML into angular's $templateCache with they key 'templates/osel-search.html' and leaving out osel-search-templates.js
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="rx.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/osel-search/dist/osel-search.js"></script><!-- load osel-search after angular and rx.js -->
angular.module('myModule', ['osel-search']);
osel-search can be configured to use any AJAX or Function based provider, just remember to transform the results to match the supported JSON format (see next point).
$scope.searchConfig = {
placeholder: 'Type to search...',
providers: [
{ // AJAX based provider
id: 'NAMES',
method: 'GET',
params: { // put an object here to send as query parameters
q: '%s' // %s is a special value - it will be replaced with the user's search query
url: '/api/search/names',
title: 'Places', // friendly name to display
data: undefined, // when doing a POST, put an object here to send as form data
onSelect: function(result, hideSearch) {
console.log('got result: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
}, {// Function based provider
title: 'Echo',
fn: function(term) {
var upper = term;
try {
upper = term.toUpperCase();
} catch (e) {}
// return an array to illustrate how transformResponse can be used
return [{
text: upper
transformResponse: function(response) {
// return an object with a results property containing the array
return {
results: {
e.text = e.text + '!'; // add an exclamation mark to each result!
return e;
onSelect: function(result, hideSearch) {
console.log('got result: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
<div osel-search="searchConfig"></div>
results: [{
text: 'result 1'
}, {
text: 'result 2'
}, {
text: 'result 3
You can easily use osel-search with RequireJS. Take a look at the example, or make your requirejs config look like this:
paths: {
'angular': '../bower_components/angular/angular',
'rx': '../bower_components/rxjs/dist/rx.all', // bower install rxjs --save-dev
'osel-search': '../dist/osel-search',
'osel-search-templates': '../dist/osel-search-templates'
shim: {
'angular': {
exports: 'angular' // tell requirejs that angular exports a global
'osel-search-templates': {
deps: ['angular', 'osel-search'] // make sure osel-search module is loaded before the templates
'osel-search': {
deps: ['angular']
define('app', ['angular', 'osel-search', 'osel-search-templates'], function(angular) {
var app = angular.module('my-app', ['osel-search']);
// ...
Older browsers need polyfills for some functionality. We recommend using Placeholders.js for polyflling HTML5 placeholder attribute.
bower install placeholders --save-dev