Fluf is fully featured flexible and lightweight Java dependency injection (DI) micro-framework. Inspired by the likes of Guice, Picocontainer and Feather it is designed as a small independant jar (under 15kb) that you can just "drop-in" to provided basic dependency management functionality to your applications.
// Simple!
Injector injector = Fluf.createInjector(new MyModule());
MyService service = injector.get(MyService.class);
- Inject with Modules for production while sing TestModules for testing
- @Inject supports fields, constructor & setter
- Supports injection of parameterized types, collections, poviders
- Supports regex qualifiers
- Does not intrude on your codebase and you have all the control over the injection process
- No need to modify (not even annotate) injectable classes
- Supports providing singletons, scoping and factory-like assisted injection
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.cr3ativ3:fluf:1.0.2'
- Please submit to issue-tracker
// all modules must extend from fluf.Module
public class MyAppModule extends Module {
// @Bind annotation defines a provider method, provider methods can be
// public protected or package-protected
@Bind(cache = true)
// if 'true' will always return the same instance, defaults to 'false'
protected Integer wheelSize() {
return new Integer(10); // creates new instance only once
// by default providers are named as using method name, this the same as
// @Bind("backWheel")
Wheel backWheel(Integer wheelSize) { // dependencies are defiend as provider-method arguments
return new BikeWheel(wheelSize); // inject through constructor
Wheel frontWheel(Integer wheelSize) {
Wheel w = new BikeWheel();
w.setSize(wheelSize * 2); // inject through setter
return w;
// you can use dependency provider names to be specific
Bike provideBike(@Bind("frontWheel") Wheel wheel1, @Bind("backWheel") Wheel wheel2) {
Bike bike = new Bike();
return bike;
Bike makeMeABike(Color color) {
// modules have access to their parent Injectors
Bike bike = getInjector().get(Bike.class, "provideBike"); // read more about Injectors below
return bike;
Storage<Wheel> getWheelsByType(Collection<Wheel> wheels) {
// collects from all providers providing Wheel type, include car tire
return new Storage<Wheel>(wheels);
Storage<Wheel> wheelsByTypeAndFilterByName(@Bind(".+Wheel") Collection<Wheel> wheels) {
// collects from all providers providing Wheel type whos name also String.matches(".+Wheel")
// in this example 'forntWheel' and 'backWheel'
return new Storage<Wheel>(wheels);
Storage<Bike> bikesByProvider(Provider<Bike> bikeProvider) {
// every call to bikeProvider.get() will produce a Bike instance (always new insatnce if Bike provider is not cached)
Collection<Bike> bikes = new ArrayList<Bike>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
return new Storage<Bike>(bikes);
StorageBuilding providesStorage(Storage<Bike> onlyBikes) { // no need to specify which Storage
// type matching takes generics into account
return new BikeStorageBuilding(onlyBikes);
// create new Injector from any number of modules
Injector injector = Fluf.createInjector(new MyAppModule(), new AnotherModule());
// retrieve injected insatnces by class
StorageBuilding building = injector.get(StorageBuilding.class);
// use TypeLiteral to retrieve parametrized types
Storage<Bike> bikeStorage = injector.get(new TypeLiteral<Storage<Bike>>(){});
// retrieve by specifying provider's name the same way as with dependencies
Storage<Wheel> wheelStorage = injector.get(new TypeLiteral<Storage<Wheel>>(){}, "getWheelsByType");
// application scope injector uses application scope modules
Injector appInjector = Fluf.createInjector(new MyAppModule());
// sub-scope injectors inherit parent's providers and includes providers from additional modules
Injector sessionInjector = appInjector.exendedWith(new SessionModule());
// when sessionInjector is no longer referenced, it, session module and its providers will also be garbage collected
sessionInjector = null;
public class Application {
// proxy factory is an interface with methods bound to some module's provider method
public interface BikeFactory {
// binds to a provider by matching name return type and argument types
// does not require @Bind, unless you want to provide an alias like method below
Bike makeMeABike(Color color);
// these both bind to the same provider, name can be aliased
Bike createBike(Color color);
public Application() {
Injector injector = Fluf.createInjector(new MyAppModule());
// create factory proxy providing underlying Injector and even adding additional modules
BikeFactory factory = Fluf.createProxy(BikeFactory.class, injector,
new AnotherModule());
// or create factory proxy straight from modules
factory = Fluf.createProxy(BikeFactory.class, new MyAppModule());
// now you can provide argument input to assist injection
Bike redBike = factory.makeMeABike(Color.RED);
Bike blueBike = factory.createBike(Color.BLUE);
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.