The Kubernetes Event Collector (KEL) watches for Kubernetes events within a namespace and stores them to a buffer which can be stashed. Kubernetes events are useful for monitoring the state of a cluster and applications within a cluster however they are only stored by Kubernetes for a limited period of time and they can also be noisy if multiple applications are running within a namespace. KEL watches events and stores them in a buffer which can be stashed when something goes wrong.
KEL can be installed into a kubernetes namespace using the provided helm charts
in the event-collector/
helm install event-collector charts/event-collector
A REST API can be used to communicate with a KEL instance to view event stashes taken as well as trigger new stashes. By default it is served on port 8080
List all taken stash
GET /stashes
Trigger a stash
POST /stashes
Get a stash
GET /stashes/<stash_name>
Get the current buffer
GET /buffer
The Event Collector is configured using a /etc/eventcollector/config.yaml file.
Stash completion plugins trigger an action when a stash is taken. Currently supported plugins
- KubernetesEvents
In the future we plan to support Slack as-well
Simple filters can be set using the config file to filter events by:
- Involved Object API Version
- Involved Object Kind
- Involved Object Labels
Example Config file
bufferSize: 1000 # The buffer size determines how many events are stored
stashCompletionPlugins: # Plugins to trigger actions when a stash is taken
enabled: true # Enable creating a K8s event when a stash is taken
stashOnWarningEvents: true # Will trigger a stash when the collector sees an event type warning
eventFilters: # Filters for events to be collected, if an event matches any of the filters it will be collected
- apiVersion: # This filter will collect any events with involvedObjects of "" API version
- labels: # This filter will collect any event where the involvedObjects labels have app=couchbase AND couchbase_server=true*
- key: app
value: couchbase
- key: couchbase_server
value: true
- labels # This filter will collect any event where the involvedObjects labels have app=couchbase-operator*
- key: app
value: couchbase-operator
*: Label matching is currently limited only to Pods, Deployments and PersistentVolumeClaims